The invitation

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Miko spent the rest of her winter break at home, mostly. Every now and again her teachers would come by and walk around or have hot chocolate with her. Those days where her favoret days, just sitting under the kotatsu, laughing and having fun with Takashi and Honey. Although Takashi would still give her small lectures on calling him sempai instead of Mori.

But at the same time she couldn't figure out why he kept insisting she called him Mori. He was her sempai after all, or she was suppose to use his real name. It was either that or she would have to say  Takashi sempai, why did he want her using a nick name instead of the proper greeting?

She brushed the idea off of her head after a while though, there seemed to be no reason to dwell on it for the time being. Insted she focused her mind on the up coming Christmas holiday.

Normally she and her dad would just get each other a gift then go off to ski, but with the way her dad had started acting recently, being an abusive alcoholic,she didn't think it would be so easy.

She had begun to question if she could convince one of her friends or class mates to let them stay in their gest rooms, but with the holiday aproching she didn't think that any of the rooms would actually be open for her. And something told her that her dad wouldn't really be the best man to be with during the holidays cause of the momeries he had of her mother.

She remeber the first time he had actually gotten drunk when she was younger, at the time he was crying his eyes out on the framed picture they had of her. The picture itself was her the day of their wedding. He clung onto it as if she could come back out of the photo. And through all these years Miko still remebered that, through tears wailing down his cheaks he had described the whole wedding too her and the vows that her mother said.

"Through all the love and all the pain we have shared i never want you too go through anything more alone. Too always be beside you is a gift and a dream, and i promise to be a woman you can smile for. I know I will be crazy and I know your crazy too, so I don't see why we can't have a crazy family."

He had promised in that moment that he would never become out of control because of this lose. But in time it had ruined the bond they had and she couldn't even consider him a full out father; she only considered him a blood relative. This only happend because some how all his anger landed up on her, he could almost blam her for anything if he didn't come home with some kind of girl. For that to happen was frusterating, but at the same time sorrowful for her.

She actually became diagnosed with anxiety and clinical depression because of her father. She was put into counciling by the generositys of one of her teachers, cause her father refused to pay for it; Even though her teacher and other family memebers said it was his fault. But she told them all that she didn't really care if he paid for it, because he really only could give her food, clothing, and a home for the time being.

And all this for her made Christmas harder and harder to celebrate with her dad, and she knew that all this was effecting what her decision should be.

"Mabey i should just stay in my room till its all over," she thought to herself while curling up in a ball hugging her legs, every part of her hidden under a huge black hoodie she had bought. "I would ask sempai but he probully has family coming in from who knows where. Besides even if I did go I probully wouldn't be able to think of anything too get him or anyone else there, I'd probully just hid in whatever room he gave me...if there were any there."

She curled up tighter, she never told anyone on her team anything about her, all they knew is that her mother died and her dad still hasn't gotten over it. She knew if she went over to Takashi's place he would probully find out because of her medication. Then he would probully think she was weird or too depressing to be around. After all, thats what happend with most of her friends in school, they just got up and left her. Very few people ever really talked to her because most of them where more convinced she was the freak than actually accepting her as a person; thats why she had so little friends.

She pushed her head into her knees "Like he would want to be around someone like me." she muttered quietly to herself. "He'd probully just call me a freak like everyone else."

A knock sounded on her door. She looked up quickly and dried her eyes too make it look like she had just woken up.

"Miko? If you can hear me your teacher is at the door and wants to see you." Her father sounded from behind the door. There wan't any movement for a while then she hear the shifting of weight and his footsteps going towards the front door.

She got up quietly and put her ear to the door too hear what he would say or hear who was out there.

"You can come on in she is probully just woken up, she can't ever sleep through a knock on a door. She is probully getting ready." Her father sounded again, she sighed a little and thanked God that he sounded sobber.

"Thanks." It was Takashi.

She shyed away from the door  and cursed to herself slilently "Does he have to show up when i am thinking about him? Even if it is not important?" she muttered.

Either way it didn't matter, she turned around and got on a pair of dark sweats and put a green shirt on before putting the black sweater back on. She brushed her hair quick and made sure it looked decent.

She walked over to the door and sighed a bit before opening it. Walking out she saw him sitting on her couch, it looked like her dad had given him a hot cocoa and left him there while he went to do work. He looked over and gave a small smile too her. She smiled and waved back to him before walking over.

"Sen- uh Mori, what brings you over here?" she asked as she sat beside him.

 He blew some of the steam away from the top of the glass and took a sip before awnsering," I was just wondering if you and your dad had any plans."

"Um. My dad does but not so much me. Why you going to another resort or something?" she was a little hesitans in asking but thought it better to ask what he was doing.

He shoke his head, "My family is letting me decide what to do this holiday, because they have buisness they still want me to have a good time."

"What about with Honey? I thought he always went over this time of year."

"He'll be there. I just want you to be there." He glanced at her from the side.

She felt her face getting warm again, she stode up and went over to the ketile and poured a hot cup of water out, before putting in the powder for cocoa. "T-thats all good and all but I really don't know if-"

"I think she can go, nothing else really goes on here." her fathers voice sounded from his work office.

"Dad I was trying to be casual about this kind of thing," she thought to herself while stiring her drink.

"What do you think Miko?" Mori came up behind her and placed the cup on the counter.

She felt her heart beat faster, as his smell drifted around her. She quickly took a mouth full of her drink and swallowed, ignoring the bruns she felt in her mouth.

"M-mabey for a little while." she managed to say.

She could feel his smile from the back of her head," That's good." He said before she felt a hand on her head.

She turned around and looked up at him. It was amazing how much taller he was compared to her. She knew she wasn't the tallest person in the world, her head just rested at the bottom of his chest. So looking up really strained her neck to a degree.

"I'll come by and get you tomarow? or the day after?" he asked her.

"T-tomarow I think" She looked down.

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