what to do

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Miko's alarm worked its way slowly under her pillow. It played her favoret music, being as it was saturday.

She groned as she got out of her bed, it was cold in her room today.

She slipped on her mothers old robbe and went into the kitchen. Turning on the hot water for some tea, she also turned on the heat.

"Dad must have gone out for some early morning buisness or something," she thought to herself.

She prepared her tea pot with earl-grey tea.

She walked over to the table and sat down and looked down at her wrist. She still hadn't belived that she had done that to herself. The picture of a broken heart was clearly visible and red around the scars. She pulled the sleaves down, when she realized she was about to cry from the sight of it.

She quickly went to the bathroom and wraped her wrist in a tenser-bandage.

As she finnished wraping her wrist, the phone rang. She ran over to get it before the final ring.


"Hi Miko-chan!" Honey's voice was clear on the phone.

She laghed a little "Hey Honey-sempai. What are you doing up so early in the morning?"

"Well me and the club where going to go skating today-"

"I'm sorry to say sempai but I can't skate." Miko interupted him. Truth was that she was actually really good at skating, but when she lost her mother she lost her will to skate.

"Well Miko-chan i was just wondering if you would at least like to come and have fun with us. Haru-chan doesn't skate either." Honey started to almost sound like he was going to cry.

Miko sighed."Well I guess so, if there is someone going who doesn't skate either."

"Yay! Don't worry Miko-chan we will come and pick you up in ten minutes!"

Honey hung up the phone and Miko just stood there holding the phone.

Only ten minutes! Crap!

She rushed into her room, putting on a simlpe purple long sleeve shirt and black jeans. She scuffled around her room until she found a block hoodie. She put up her hood and examined herself in the mirror. She looked down at her wrist again.

'They will probully ask what happend..." she grabed her black arm warmers and gladly slipped them on.

She walked over to the entry way and grabed her heavy hoodie.

As she put it on the door knocked.

"It's open!" she said to the door.

The door open to reveal Mori in the door way.

She bowed in respect to him," Good moring Sempai."

"Miko," he put his hand on her head," just call me Mori."

"I don't think I will be able to do that sempai, I have always called you sempai."

He looked at her, staring intentivly into her brown eyes with his dark grey eyes.

"I want all my friends to call me Mori, Miko. Your one of them."

Miko shook her head as she felt it get warmer." Thank you...Mori... Well lets get going."

Mori looked at her as she put her boots on.

"What about your skates over there?" he pointed at a bag that had her new skates in them.

"Dad why did you buy those things!" she thought. She turned to Mori and smiled," Those where my mothers I never used them myself."

"Maybe take them with you?"

Miko sighed, somehow she knew he wouldn't let her go even if she refused to get them. She reached over to the bag and grabed the skates.

She stepped outside and locked the house behind her, at least she knew what she was doing today.

They stepped outside and walked towards the limo. Honney was already inside, wearing his warm jakcket and gloves. In his arms was the stuffed pink bun-bun. he cheeks where still slightly red from walking to the car.

Once they where inside the car he lept over and gave Miko a tight hug. "Good morning Miko-chan!"

She smiled as best as she could, "Good morning."

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