Farkle, farkle, let down your latter

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Lucases pov.

I'm at farkle's house it's 3:00 in the morning and I text Farkle.

me: farkley are you up?

Farkle: yeah. why?

Me: look out your window

Farkle: why?

Me: just look out your window.

Farkle: okay.

Then farkle opened his window and I yelled "farkle,farkle let down your latter!"

"I don't have a latter but, I have a rope." farkle said and he let down the rope. I used all my strength to pull myself up.

"So why are you at my house at like 3:00 in the morning?" he asked.

"So I could do this." I said and I put my hands on farkle's waist and put my lips on his soft pink lips. He quickly began to kiss back. I put my hands on his waist and he put his arms around my neck. I pulled him closer to me his chest on mine. We sadly pulled away, because we needed more air.

"So, that was amazing." farkle said with a little adorable giggle.

"Yeah, it was." I said.

"Lucas, what does that make us?" farkle asked.

"Farkle, do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yes!" he yelled.

"Do you mind if we keep this a secret for awhile. I don't know how, I would be able to tell my parent's or Riley and Maya." I asked.

"Okay. We can keep this a secret, but under one condition. You stay here and snuggle with me." He said. Gosh he's so adorable.

"I couldn't have asked for anything better." I said and I pulled him into a kiss. Then farkle pulled me onto his bed and we just laid there looking at each other. I pulled farkle's thin body closer to me and wrapped my arms around him, he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"You have know idea how long I've wanted to do this with you." he said.

"I've wanted to hold you like this for a long time." I said.

"Well I guess we both finally got what we wanted." Farkle said and he gave me a light peck on my lips. I gave him a peck back.

"I love you farkle." I said.

"I love you too Lucas." farkle said.

We just laid there snuggled up in each others arms. Farkle began to fall asleep, I let him. Soon my eyes begin to droop and I fall a sleep feeling the warmth of my one and only true love next to me and he is mine and only mine.


So what do you guys think?
Zay is kind of a dick in this story but don't worry I'll make sure to make him extremely funny. Or as funny as I can. I give full credits to who ever made that meme thing at the top. So yeah. Byyyyeee.

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