so, listen.

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I'm back. I wasn't gone forever.

Wattpad deleted a few of my unpublished chapters. I finished middle school about a week ago but, I have theater until July. I will still be updating.

I was reading what I had written before. Was I freaking high? I added Dan and Phil to this story.
Broke the rules of fan fiction writing by having the characters question if they are in fan fiction
Than I also had the characters talk to me. They told me I was writing GMW fan fiction wrong because I broke the rules of Maya liking Riley and Farkle being treated like shot and going threw depression and suicidal thoughts. I also had Dan say "if Maya were named Sabrina in real life I would call her Sabrina the teenage bitch" 

I had experienced some hate comments telling me I am not a real author and my writing is shit. I deleted those comments and blocked the person. That is the first negativity I had experienced while writing fan fiction.

I am very well aware that I am not a real author. I am not a bad writer but, I do agree that this fan fic isn't my best. I hope this isn't the idiosyncratic fan fic or focal point of my account that ruins it and makes readers want to stop reading. This is the last GMW fan fic I'll be writing. I will tie all the loose ends of my other ones but, I am saying fare well to GMW and continuing on with some other things beyond fan fiction like short stories and poetry. I have started a new phan fiction it doesn't have a name yet and is not out yet but, it will be before the end of August.

I hope after GMW you stick with me. I hope y'all like what I've got to say in my poetry and short stories.


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