lemons and what the flying squirrel.

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Aye!!! It's spring break! I have strep! So expect more chapters since I can't leave the house! PS. expect aperiences of Dan and phill and other people from my fandoms! Now I'm going to right this shit!
Rileys pov.
Lemons came spewing out of my locker yesterday and weird stuff had been happening all week. Farkle had gotten weird text from an odd number that number being 666. What ever that means. Lucas had been at soccer practice and his soccer jersey went missing out of his gym locker so, the soccer coach told him to go shirtless and Farkle was watching him practice that day. So lucky Farkle. All of zay's crayons had been stolen and he has a lot of crayons. Zay tried calling Jake from state farm to see if he had insurance on his crayons but, Jake's response was "Quit calling me! I checked my files and I'm not your families insurance agent!"

I'm quite angry! That skunk bag (pardon my inappropriate language) Charlie stole Zay from me! What does he have that I don't have? I can paint purple cats! I can find purple paint! All of which I'm sure charlie can do but, not as gracefully as me. Ahhhh!!!!! (Sorry I just fell trying to find the purple paint) anyways back to charlie being a boyfriend stealer, Zay obviously likes me! But then charlie peeps over the bathroom stall while Zay is calling Jake from state farm about his emotional issues! Uggg. I lost the greatest friend I'll ever have! God Maya why do you have to be such a homophobe? She should have seen it coming, Lucas being gay, like seriously. I'm going into flashback mode so be aware
Do da do da do! *Whispers* flashback.

"Hey huckel berry, when are you going to decide on this triangle thing?" Maya asked.

"Uhhh, I'll decide when I'm ready. Umm... Can we watch GLEE?" Lucas asked.

"You watch GLEE?" I questioned.

"Yeah, there is so many hot boys-I ah mean girls! Girls, yeah I like girls and all there girly thing." Lucas chocked.

"Okay, yeah we can watch GLEE." I tried covering up Lucas's mistake.

Five hours later.

"Kurt gets hotter over the next few seasons." Lucas said.

"Okay then." Maya said.

Flashback ends.

He literally said he thinks Kurt is hot. He had been rambling on about he ships Larrie (Harry ND Louis from one direction). He also likes to watch Joey Gracafa. He embraced his bottled up gayness that day. I kind of knew he was but, didn't say anything because it was not my business to tell nor ask unless he felt comfortable.

Enough with my boring filler *ahem* Sharpy the writer  get to the drama that this wonderful group of readers actually care about. Good byezzzzzs.

Farkle pov.

I'm at Lucas's house. We're cuddled on the couch. When all of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate. It's going to be the same creepy number 666. I haven't told Lucas.

I pull out my phone.

And the message said:

You take the light surrounding the entire room
Enforce it on yourselves.
I cast my shadow.
You stay in light.
We don't matter.
We aren't apart of the story.
We're living in your shadow.
Hello! We Whisper
Hello! We utter
Hello! We speak
Hello! We chant!
Hello! We scream!
Screaming from the roof tops!
But, you look in the mirror
And you see yourselves as angles.
We take a look at you and see

End of message.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Hey babe, who was that?" Lucas asked.

"Oh. Just my mum. Wondering when I was coming home." I lied.

"Well ask her if you can stay over." Lucas said. He placed his lips apon mine just giving me a soft kiss. He pulled away with a loving smile.

"Okay." I mumble.

"Do you not want to spend the night?" Lucas frowned as if this was so genuinely important to him. I've stayed the night at his house before.

"Since we came out at school, I didn't think everything was going to be like this. Well somehow the corporate of my dad's work found out and literally asked my dad 'so I hear your son's a fag. How do you deal with your son?' my dad's response wasn't the best 'are you implying my son is a disgusting faggot.' the cooperate's response was a tad bit worse. 'yeah him and that cow boy Lucas or whatever his name is are dating. You'd think that a Texan would know what's right and what's wrong. Yet he still goes around kissing boys. That's gotta suck that your son got thrown into being that type of person.' so my dad has been keeping a close eye on me. Of course I didn't tell him I was gay but, he won't let me watch GLEE, listen to One Direction, or watch some boring show on Disney about a girl who was in middle school trying to figure herself out. It's called female meets earth." I blabbered.

"No offense but, your dad is a dick. He took away GLEE! Like watching that show won't instantly make you homo. It will just make you want to break out into song, with snazzy outfits." Lucas said.

"I'm not offended. I just wish he would have stood up for me gay or not. Why can't he just love me? Why does that one thing draw the line? The line I can't cross over because too much will break me. Too much will sink. I'm not an angel. I'm tired of being the one who sucks the light away from the shadows. I look in the mirror and I see me." I said.

"Farkle what are you talking about?" Lucas questioned me as if I was the crazy one.

"I've spent my whole life thinking I was a pipe. They all told me your a pipe. But then you find out your a freaking eggplant." I said.

"Farkle your not a pipe your not an eggplant! Your an angel." Lucas said.

"See you don't get it! The world doesn't get it! When did life switch around and all the lives whom were dragged into ours forced to be our shadows witnessing life but never experienced it! Come on can't you see it! Tell me you see it! Lucas they are calling me. They want my help. They want the light." I screamed.

"Farkle I think you need to sit down. What the hell are you talking about all I see is my love who has broken away from reality but, surely will be back in no time." Lucas said. His words angered me.

"Lucas we're not normal. We are gay. We have a higher privilege than most kids in our school heck almost everywhere. We're not the only ones who are different. Everyone is different. Everyone is hiding something. Those who are in the shadows are the ones who are breaking. We have torn there light and kept the remains for ourselves. I thought I was a pipe something high in value but, I'm worth the same as everyone else I'm an eggplant. so are you. I'm no angle. I'm sorry but, that's the truth. Are you with me? Do you understand we are not the only people who matter. We are people nothing more we all have a crack in our inner selves. You seem perfect to almost everyone you meet. Making them feel inferior. The moment you stepped through that door in 7th grade I felt myself fall back. I love you Lucas but, I want everyone to be free in this world. Free of fear, free to be in the light.  So are you with me?" I stated my opinion with such urge knowing I can change this shattered world we call home.

"So your saying we're privileged even though we're gay. We're not allowing others a chance to seep there way into being themselves without being pushed to the side lines because they feel inferior to us. You want to change that?" Lucas asked.

"Exactly!" I shouted I'm sure people in Canada could hear me.

"I'm in." Lucas said.

"Come over here you sexy beast." I said.

Our lips collided and I ended up staying over at his house. Nothing dirty happened though. *Ahem* note to the author Sharpy me and Lucas wouldn't mind if something dirty happened.
Aye!!! If your reading this you made it alive through my complex hippie like mind. Like I said before I have strep and can't leave the house so expect more updates. Can someone tell Farkle something dirty will happen but, keep in mind I'm so innocent I thought until last year a virgin was a bad brand of mayonnaise.
Random fact sliced bread was invented on July fourth 1928. thank you I am Sharpy.

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