A Unplanned Plan

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That afternoon, Sunset promised Twilight they would go to Sugarcube Cafe to talk about the plan. "Hey, weren't Rainbow and Pinkie suppose to be here to?" Twilight asked as she slurped her smoothie and fed Spike a few treats. "Yeah, weird." Sunset looked around and even went outside to check if they were coming. Applejack and Rarity were busy, A.J helping out at Sweet Apple Acres for a harvest and Rarity busy on a dress for one of her many customers. 10 minutes later, nobody showed up. So they just talked by themselves. Sunset was starting to think Rainbow Dash's and Pinkie Pie's absence was planned. She turned her attention back to Twilight and they started talking.

The next morning, Pinkie was sitting alone on the grass. It was Thursday and school didn't start for another 8 minutes, so Sunset decided to talk to her. Right when she reached her, she screeched to a stop and stared at her in surprise. She said in a sad plain voice"Oh, hey Sunset Shimmer." Her hair was no longer pink and puffy and she wasn't happy or energetic. She was completely gray, except for her hair and skin color; her hair was straight and a faded pink color. "Pinkie, what happened to you?!" "Why would you want to know?" Pinkie Pie said. "It's none of your business if I change. What makes you think you have the right to get into everybody's noses? Huh?! What now? You wan to laugh at me cause I'm alone? I don't think so!"Pinkie said as she picked up her gray backpack. She looked mad and walked very seriously away from her. Sunset was feeling terrible now: for Pinkie Pie. Rainbow had dashed by her and she called out "Rainbow, hold up!" Rainbow didn't slow down or even bother to turn back. "Rainbow Dash!" Finally she started to slow down and turned around. "What do you want, I've got things to do." "Like what?" "Be alone, what else?!" "I was going to say help us..." Sunset noticed Rainbow's eyes were gray, so was her necklace. "Help you? I don't help anyone but myself!" She ran back toward the field. "Oh no! Rainbow and Pinkie Pie turned their backs on us?!"

Twilight had approached her during their break. "Sunset Shimmer! You have you seen Rainbow dash and Pinkie Pie?! They've..." "...gotten their cutie marks removed! I know, but why?! Why did they just turn their backs on us?!" Right at that instant, Rarity passed by them. "Girls, you can not  believe what happened to me this morning. I was about to ask Pinkie Pie on her advice for a dress I'm making when Starlight approached us and called us over. She took us to the lockers by the gym and she pulled out the Cutie Un-marker. She stole Pinkie's cutie mark but I got to escape. She didn't even ask if we wanted out cutie marks removed! Why would she do that?" "Because she's triggering us. She's after our cutie marks!" Applejack had just joined the conversation. "What makes you think that dear?" Twilight interrupted before Applejack said anything,"Because she wants to separate us. Maybe she's heard what you've done and thinks that if she can separate us and prevent us from using the magic of friendship, she will get what she wants, power!" "All of the people we've faced have all wanted power of some sort. So maybe Twilight is right!" Sunset hugged her, "You're the best Twilight" Twilight blushed. Then Applejack said, "Or maybe she's after these." She held up her necklace and the other girls looked at each other, thinking Applejack was right. "Well, I did notice that Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's necklaces have also faded. Also the colors of our magic seem to come from the necklaces." Sunset put her hand on her chin as she said that. 

Rarity and Applejack weren't in class for about 24 minutes and half way through class, they came through the door. Sunset tried to avoid shouting "What?! NO!!!" when she saw they didn't have cutie marks and had giant smiles on their faces.  

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