From Starlight to Starbright (long chapter)

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While the girls were talking in the basement, Starlight was upstairs, taking care of the party. She walked inside her room and pulled out the cutie un-marker. It was now 7 different colors; blue, pink, white, purple, red, yellow, and orange. Those colors represented all of the magic from the girls. Then she grabbed her bag and pulled out another device that looked exactly like the cutie un-marker. She tossed it in the trash. She ran her hand against the real cutie un-marker and slowly started to open it. "Um, Starlight, where's your bathroom?" It was Fluttershy. Starlight quickly turned around and hid the cutie un-marker behind her back. "It's second door to your right" she said as she pointed toward the hall. She looked to see if Fluttershy had left, turned back around, ran her hand against the cutie un-marker and started to open it again. "Um, I couldn't find it." She rolled her eyes and put the cutie un-marker under her bed sheets. "Come" 2 seconds later, Applejack walked into Starlight's room and quickly looked for it. After she found it, she rushed out, just on time. She hid near the bathroom door next to Starlight's room. A.J smiled as she saw Starlight walk into her room. She quickly ran outside toward the basement, while someone was watching her not far away. The girls were waiting and they high-fived and hugged Applejack. As Starlight walked into her room, she closed her door and reached under her bed. "What?!"  She looked all around her room and still didn't find it. "Those rotten magical girls. They won't stop me."

Outside the girls ran back inside the basement and when they heard the door slowly opening, they quickly gave it to someone. "What did you do?! Where's Fluttershy?!" The girls told her they had no idea and that Fluttershy hadn't even come down. "I know you're lying. WHERE IS FLUTTERSHY!?!" Right at that moment, "I'm here Starlight." Starlight was super mad. "What did you do to the cutie un-marker?! Where is it?!" "I didn't do anything with it. I swear." Starlight actually believed her until she heard something fall. The girls all turned around toward Pinkie Pie. She had dropped it while taking out a cupcake from her hair. "Ji ji, cupcake anyone?" Starlight glared at them and the other girls smiled as if they were innocent. "I'll take that" Starlight  said. She snatched it from the ground. "No" Fluttershy said. Pinkie Pie launched toward it and managed to take it from her. "GIVE IT BACK!" They tossed it around until it was in Sunset Shimmer's hand. "We've had to fight more people like you. All of them were defeated. We'll make sure YOU don't get away with it." She held it up as if she was going to smash it. Before it could be destroyed, Starlight through herself on the floor and grabbed it." Ha!" she said "you won't stop me. NO ONE WILL!" She opened it and the energy surrounded the girls and formed a shield around Starlight. Starlight was worried, she never expected this to happen. She looked around, ran to the wall of magic surrounding her and blocking the girls, she touched it and she could see that the girls were staring into the distance not being able to see Starlight. The shield slowly swallowed itself and wrapped around Starlight like a cocoon, and the girls were still enveloped in it's magic, but this magic looked like dust, shiny dust. Starlight's body was tight in the envelope of magic. It stated to slowly disintegrate then Starlight fell on her knees. The girls were now staring at her, struggling to free themselves from the glowing dust surrounding them. She got up and looked at them. Her hair shimmered, even in the darkness of the basement, her dress was aqua, purple, and silver with some blue in it. She wore a cape, also the same colors as her dress and some shimmering star earrings with some platform boots. Her eyes where completely blue. The dust fell onto the ground along with the girls and Starlight soaked it up into the silver bracelets she was wearing. She girls had their colors back and their gray dresses were now their regular outfits. Starlight looked at their worried faces and felt a rush of regret and power trough her. She looked at her hands, shut her eyes tight and waved her arms toward the girls. "Stay, I don't want anyone to get hurt," her eyes glowed a darker blue, "Ah!", she complained and put her hands over her forehead. She slowly back away and shut the door.

During that time,the girls were trying to get past another wall of dust that blocked their way. "Well this is just great! Now how are we suppose to get her now as Starbright Glow." Rarity complained as she sat on the floor. Rainbow Dash snickered but got serious again, "Nice name for her Rarity." Right as the other girls sat down, there was a tugging sound at the door. They looked up as they got up. Then, followed by a click and light, two people and a small object were staying by the door. As they got closer to the wall of dust, they could see who it was. Sunset Shimmer was so happy to see... "Spike, Flash, TWILIGHT!"

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