Starlight's P.O.V

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I flew on top of everyone. No one was outside. The voice in my head was telling me: "GO! MAKE THEM NOTICE YOU! " "No! I'm not going to hurt anyone. You can't make me!" My head was pounding and her voice was commanding me to us the magic she gave me. My eyes glowed blue as I involuntarily shot magic beats toward my house. Part of the roof was destroyed and I could see kids from Canterlot High running out of my house screaming. "Come on Starlight. I gave you these powers because of two reasons. And if you don't do what one of the reasons was, say goodbye to these powers and finding Sunburst." I couldn't bare it much longer. I couldn't control myself any more. I flew up even higher than before and before even I knew it, I was shooting beams of light into the sky, open it up and revealing what seemed like a different dimension! Then I heard, " Starlight Glimmer! Stop this this instant!" I stopped myself and looked down. There were 8 girls standing directly below me, two of them looked exactly alike. "Focus! Remember, you're doing this for your own good. This is what you've always wanted, right?" So stop paying attention to them and start using that magic!" Even though I was loosing control, I managed to tell her, "This..wasn't..part..of..the DEAL!" I stopped. The girls below me were staring. "Who said we had to stick to the deal?! I'm sick and tired of you trying to stop me. I'M IN CONTROL NOW!" "NO! NO! WAIT!" Then, all of a sudden, I felt weak, and I woke up falling from the sky. I was about to scream when I had stopped mid-air. The girl with a pony tail and glasses had me enveloped in some of her magic. She slowly brought me down and every was like, Are you okay? What happened?  Then, it happened. 

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