Thursday January 7th

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after this chapter there are going to be skips so don't worry lol, don't forget to vote! - Blaire

Alex and I woke up at 6 finally in routine. We changed into our training clothes and went to breakfast. In the inside of the door were the scores and rankings. I was number one and Alex was second. Alex and I were the first ones down so after we checked we fixed our plates and sat down. Hope then came down with Kelley and Tobin.

Kelley: Baby Horse congratulations and of course to you too Al.
Us: Thank you squirrel
Hope: Got enough food there Baby Horse?
Me: hey my plates are set out by Dawn thank you. I know it's a lot
Toby: a lot? That could feed a full grown horse.
Kelley: you want Baby Horse to grow right?
Me: ha funny

We finished our breakfast and went to the field. We put on our cleats and did warmups. We then played keep away to get our touches in. After keep away we moved into drills. We worked on receiving long balls from the defenders and then attacking the goal. We had other similar drills and Jill ended practice. Back at the dorms I got my work and then joined the girls at lunch.

Me: oh my word I don't think I can eat all of this
Hope: I think you can, but it's going to suck at training later
Me: ugh
Kelley: what subject are you working on now?
Me: Biology 2, it's pretty easy. I'm copying the notes now and then I will take the tests either tonight or tomorrow
Ash: I loved biology
Ali: really?
Ash: and anatomy
Ali: Ashlyn!
Me: awe come on don't ruin that subject for me
Alex: Or the rest of us.

We all laughed and finished our lunch. We cleared the table and grabbed our bags. We got to the field and did our warm ups.

Jill: Alright ladies first we are going to work on the defense with straight on attacking and then corners. After that we will add in the midfielders to finish out.

We all split up and got in our positions. Alex and I went first with Tobin and Kelley on the wings. Alex got a shot off but Hope saved Alex's shot. A couple rounds later we moved on to corner kicks. We scored about every other kick. We added in the midfield on both sides for the last drill. Once we finished we had a cool down and Dawn gave us our recovery drinks. We then headed to dinner. While I ate I finished copying my biology notes.

Kelley: you have really pretty handwriting especially being left handed.
Ash: and the fact that you can draw to.
Me: yeah but look at the ink on my left hand.
Hope: yeah that sucks
Alex: I'm glad I'm only left footed.

We cleared out table and wen to our las training. We scrimmaged 8v8 again. This time Alex and I were on the same team and we won 6-2. We got our cool down and sat down to listen to Jill.

Jill: great job ladies, we have decide that Saturdays we will give you off to do whatever you want. Don't forget to get your drinks from Dawn before we leave.

We got our drinks and headed back. I got my snack and then Alex let me shower first. While Alex was in the shower I took my biology tests. I finished as Alex walked out.

Alex: what did you make?
Me: a 94 on chapter 12 and a 98 on chapter 13.
Alex: smarty pants
Me: not really biology is pretty easy
Alex: Sure it is.

I shut down my computer and went to bed.

How I Became Savannah Solo Part 4Where stories live. Discover now