Tuesday February 16th

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vote please! - Blaire

Ashlyn and I got up at 6:30 and went to breakfast. I fixed my plate and sat down with Ryan so he could watch Veggie Tales.

Me: So my high school won 2-0 last night.
Hope: so who is getting these goals while you're gone?
Me: usually my best friend Megan but last night it was Sam and Anna.
Alex: how many does Megan have?
Me: around 20
Ali: Geez as a team how many do you have?
Me: give me a second and I'll count... So far its 80 goals in 28 games. 25 games regular season and we still have 2 left for State.
Ash: dang I feel bad for Louisiana goalies. How many have you conceded?
Me: only 1 this season and 2 last season.
Kelley: how?
Me: well we have the best goalie in the state but also some of the best defenders
Hope: not to mention one of the best international forwards
Tobs: Awe I didn't know Baby Horse could blush
Me: guys stop
Ali: be nice to Baby Horse. So how many times have you guys won state?
Me: before I got there 2 in 20 years but they had made it to semifinals a couple times. Now since I have been there we have won 2 going on 3 this season.
Ash: creating a dynasty
Me: I guess you could say that. Well look at the time we better go to recovery.

We went to recovery and I did yoga, massage, and an ice bath. We had lunch and then changed into our gear for practice. We worked on defensive and offensive movements for the most part. It was a tough practice and we finally got our cool down. We went back to the hotel and had dinner before Jill talked.

Jill: We had a good training today. Tomorrow is travel day to Houston. We will have a training after lunch and then one Thursday morning. Bus will leave after breakfast at 9. Solo's, Lloyd, and Morgan I need to see you tonight. Goodnight to the rest of you and see you in the morning.

Everyone left and went to their rooms except for the 4 of us Jill called out. Jill and Carli came over and sat down at the table.

Jill: tomorrow when we get to the hotel I want you four to do the interviews, after you put your bags away of course. Alex you will be in the conference room 1, Hope in conference room 2, Lloyd in office 2 and Baby Horse you are in office 4.
Carli: are they by the same people?
Jill: I think so but I doubt they will be asking the same questions.
Hope: so personal questions?
Jill: probably not to you or Carli but for Alex and Baby Horse that's probably all you will get.
Alex: alright
Jill: well okay then goodnight ladies see you at breakfast.

Jill left and the 4 of us went to our rooms and went to bed. 

How I Became Savannah Solo Part 4Where stories live. Discover now