Tuesday January 26th

854 24 0

i skipped Monday but they won the game just fyi, don't forget to vote! -Blaire

Brad woke me up at 6:15

Brad: come on babe time to wake up.
Me: what time is it?
Brad: 6:15
Me: my ankle hurts
Brad: come here let me look
Me: ow don't touch
Brad: if I don't Kirk will
Me: fine be gentle please
Brad: did you roll it last night?
Me: I don't know probably
Brad: did you get kicked?
Me: no
Brad: okay what about your camp or game?
Me: yeah maybe?
Brad: its swollen up pretty big and slightly bruised, think you can put weight on it?
Me: maybe
Brad: come here.

Brad helped me down and I tried to put pressure on it. I could a little but not enough to walk or stand straight on it.

Brad: alright let's get you dressed and get you to see kirk.
Me: will you pack my cheer bag?
Brad: what for?
Me: we have a game. I have to be there even if I'm not cheering
Brad: which uniform?
Me: navy
Brad: alright that's packed what do you want to wear?
Me: My leggings, my short uggs, and your Nike long sleeve
Brad: that's where it went.
Me: yup

Brad got my clothes and I changed. I put my hair in a ponytail and did my make-up.

Brad: alright I put our bags in the truck, should I put your boot in there too?
Me: yeah probably, crap I'm going to have to tell Barron
Brad: I already told him he is going to meet us there.
Me: fantastic
Brad: hey don't be like that
Me: I know I'm sorry I'm just frustrated. Thank you babe
Brad: its fine let's get you to the training room.

Brad carried me to the truck and helped me in. He drove us to the training room and parked beside Kirk and Barron. Brad carried me into the training room.

Barron: you're not even walking?
Me: uh no
Kirk: which one is it?
Me: my left again

Brad set me on the table and Kirk took off my left shoe. Kirk looked and then touched around the outside of my ankle.

Me: ow ow ow!
Kirk: can you put weight on it?
Me: a little but barely
Kirk: it's probably the ATL again, we will treat it and if it doesn't get better by Friday then we will get you in to see Dr. Counts. Do you have your old boot?
Brad: it's in the truck I'll go get it.
Kirk: you go put your ankle in the whirlpool
Barron: here I'll help you
Me: thank you

I put my foot in and Barron went back to talk to Kirk.

Barron: how long do you think she will be out?
Kirk: honestly I'm not sure. It depends if it's a partial tear or not. I could be a couple days or a month
Barron: they have the Olympic Qualifying coming up and she'll play no matter what if she's on that roster which she probably will be.
Brad: knowing her she will be better
Barron: or she'll lie about it
Kirk: we will have to see. Brad how tall is she I need to set her crutches
Brad: 5'7, I'm going to go sit with her. See you in 2nd hour coach
Barron: thank you Brad see you later.

Brad and I sat in the wet room until my timer went off. I took my foot out and dried it off. Brad carried me out to the table he put my sock and then the compression sleeve on for me. I left the boot off for now. Brad and I did our pre-cal homework until the bell rang. I put my boot on and then out my back pack on before grabbing my crutches.

Brad: let me get your backpack
Me: just grab my cheer bag I only have two binders in my school one
Brad: why don't we put your cheer bag in Garvin's room and then I will carry you upstairs
Me: okay

We put my cheer bag in Garvin's room and then Brad and I went to Barron's room. The bell rang and we headed to Garvin's class. Luckily our next two classes were down stairs. Brad went home to let Duke out for me. Brad carried me up and back down stairs before and after 6th hour. For 7th hour Kiley and I went to lunch with our stunts groups. We all then went to Kiley's house to get ready.

We headed back up the school and went to the gym. The girls stretched and set up. I sat by Garvin and Nate to watch the game. We won the game 48-42 and Brad drove me home. Brad had to go to his own house so I showered and then did homework before going to bed.

How I Became Savannah Solo Part 4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora