Saturday February 27th

752 23 1

alright sorry for the mix up! Vote please! - Blaire

All of us woke up at 7:30 and went down for breakfast. We ate and then went back up to get our bags. Lauren called me at 8:30 and said she was here. I told Coach Hunt and she met Lauren and then I was good to go. I got in the car and Lauren drove us to her house.

Lauren: I heard they won last night
Me: yup they're State Champs. it was a good game
Lauren: are you nervous for your game tonight?
Me: a little I haven't played a game with them in a while
Lauren: I'm sure you'll do fine. What time does your team get here?
Me: well the game is at 5:30 so probably 3:50.
Lauren: would you mind if Jure and I stayed and watched?
Me: not at all.

We got to Lauren's house and she showed me around. Jure came home and Lauren introduced us. We had lunch and then I did my work that I missed yesterday. When it hit 3 Lauren, Jure and I got in the car and headed to the high school. We pulled in the same time as the bus. I got out and went over. Duke was the first one off and then the rest of the team followed.

Me: guys this is Lauren and Jure Holiday
Lauren: good luck guys we'll be in the stands watching
Team: thank you!

We then went to the bench and put on out cleats. Megan and I lead the warmups. We played keep away and then took our shots. Megan I did captains and then changed into our jerseys. We got our break and then took the field. Megan and I did our foot shake and got our positions.

The whistle blew and Mt. Carmel kicked off. The first half was thought and both teams fought over it. I was being fouled every time I got near the ball. We went to half time and listen to Coach Barron and Alex. Halftime ended and we took the field again. We kicked off again and fought over the ball. Megan won it the middle and dribbled up. Megan saw the gap and sent the ball. I ran onto it and their keeper came out. I took a touch around the keeper and passed it in.

I turned around and ran to Megan. Our whole team including the bench was celebrating. We set back up and Mt. Carmel kicked off. We fought over the ball for a while. I won it and went up the right side of the field. I attacked the end line and sent the ball to the PK line. Megan one touched it into the back of the net to make it 2-0. We set back up and then the final whistle blew. I ran to Megan and she went to jump on me at the same time I went to jump on her.

We both hit the ground and then our teammates were on top of us. We got off the ground and then got the trophy. Megan and I lifted as pictures were being taken. Parents came on the field and I got Lauren to take mine and Brad's photo. She sent it to us and Hope. Once we all calmed down some we loaded the bus. We danced and celebrated half of the way there and then crashed for the rest for the way back. We made it back to the stadium and put the trophy on the wall. We turned in our jerseys and then went home. Brad drove us to my house and I showered. Brad helped me pack and then we fell asleep. 

How I Became Savannah Solo Part 4Where stories live. Discover now