Saturday January 30th

842 22 0

^Brad's house^ Don't forget to Vote please! - Blaire

I woke up at 6:15 and let Duke out and then went back to sleep. I woke up around 8 and Lydia made me breakfast. I took Duke on a walk without my boot so I could get used to it again. I came back and sat down at my desk to Facetime Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse how is the ankle?
Me: good I'm walking on it
Hope: that's good
Me: yeah it is. While were talking I'm going to check my email but how's Seattle?
Hope: okay and it's been great

We talked about what Hope's been up to while I read my emails. I had one from Apple and Jill Ellis.

To Savannah Solo,
We need a rise in the Apple watch bands so we are sending you some. Please either say something about them or post photos of you wearing them. They should arrive on the 4th. Thank you
-Michelle Gardner

To Savannah Solo,
Hey Baby Horse, as you know we have Olympic Qualifying next month. The roster will officially be released on the 6th and you are on it. Here is your flight information. See you in Frisco next Sunday on the 7th. –Jill Ellis

Me: sorry to interrupt but guess who's going to Texas
Hope: that's not surprising Baby Horse but still exciting
Me: I know.
Hope: what about your soccer playoffs?
Me: I didn't think about that
Hope: you should.
Me: well I would be there for round one and then the championship game if we make it
Hope: I'm sure you will. Are you upset that you're missing them?
Me: yeah kinda but I've done it the past two years and I still have next year.
Hope: that's true. Well I better go I have errands to run.
Me: alright bye Hope.
Hope: bye Baby Horse

I hung up with Hope and then I went over to Brad's for lunch.

Brad: you're walking
Me: yup I even took Duke for a walk this morning
Brad: that's good.
Me: yeah well I am going to Texas next month for Olympic Qualifying
Brad: For how long?
Me: 2 weeks and a day
Brad: what about playoffs Barron's going to be pissed
Me: I leave after the first round but I will be back for the championship
Brad: when are you going to tell him?
Me: Monday
Brad: good luck with that
Me: I know well let's eat

Brad and I ate and then caught up on TV shows. Brad parents came home and we went out for dinner. We came back at crashed Brad's for the night. 

How I Became Savannah Solo Part 4Where stories live. Discover now