Thursday January 21st

877 29 3

Alex and I got up at 7 and put on our travel suit. We went and got coffee and went to breakfast. We sat down and Hope took a sip of my almost empty coffee.

Me: Hey!
Hope: that is definitely not decaf
Me: no it's not
Hope: Savannah! You're going to be on a bus for 2 ½ hours.
Me: that long!
Ali: yes Baby Horse that's why Ash and Squirrel aren't allowed to have coffee before trips
Hope: and as I predict neither will you
Me: but I like coffee
Ali: we will remind you of that in a couple hours.

We went back to our rooms and brought our bags down and loaded the bus. Ali and Ash sat across from Alex and Tobin. Kelley sat across from me and Hope was behind me. It was about 30 minutes in when I started to get restless.

Hope: problem Baby Horse?
Me: uh nope I'm good.
*10 minutes later*
Hope: still love coffee?
Me: no
Ali: you loved it earlier.
Me: I know but now I don't
Ash: I'll put you out of your misery, here's a melatonin.
Me: and that is?
Ash: I will make you sleepy.
Me: yes thank you

I took the orange pill and 10 minutes later I was out.

Hope: you're going to be the one to wake monster mumbles up
Ash: I figured.

An hour and half later the bus pulled up to the hotel in San Diego.

Ash: come on Baby Horse wakey wakey.
Me: mhm
Ash: we're here.
Me: don't care
Ash: come on

Ash pulled me up and got my stuff. We got off the bus and went in and stopped in the lobby.

Jill: sorry ladies but they don't have the rooms ready yet so we are going to go ahead and have lunch. Just bring your bags to the meal room.

Ash practically dragged me to the meal room. The girls set their bags along the wall. I set my down and then laid down and went back to sleep. The girls had fixed their plates and sat down before noticing I was missing.

Hope: where's Baby Horse?
Alex: I think that lump over there is her asleep.
Ali: how much did you give her Ash?
Ash: I only gave her one like it said
Hope: her body probably broke it down faster than normal
Ali: oh yeah, well I'm sure food would help.
Hope: Ash
Ash: I'm going.

Ash: come on Baby Horse you need to eat
Me: mfianf
Ash: come on don't be mumbles that's what Princess is for
Ali: I heard that
Me: help me up then

Ash helped me up and then I fixed my plate and sat down.

Hope: Dang look at that hair Baby Horse
Me: leave me alone
Alex: awe some ones cranky

We ate and talked until Jill came in and said the rooms were ready. We had the same roommates and we went to put our bags up. We changed into our training clothes and went back to the bus. We put on our cleats and did warm ups. After we stretched we got water and Kelley sprayed me with hers. I went to spray her back but she ducked and I hit Hope instead.

Kelley: oooh
Me: crap
Hope: Baby Horse, Squirrel, who was it?
Me: Squirrel
Kelley: Baby Horse,
Kelley: what! That was all her.

Hope grabbed me before I could take off and emptied her whole water down my back.

Hope: Sucks
Me: Squirrel was the one who started
Hope: and I finished it your welcome.

We went back to training. It wasn't long and we headed back to the hotel. We ate dinner and then had movie night. We all went to our rooms and went to bed.

How I Became Savannah Solo Part 4Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat