Mihawk x Reader

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Well here you are having a drinking party with red haired Shanks and his crew. Including the one you have a crush on and love, Mihawk. How you ended up in this situation? Well all you wanted was a bit of sake. Of course Shanks, having the passionate love for sake he noticed. All you wanted was a quiet and peace full drink without anyone around. You should have known it's never quiet on the Red haired crew.

You and Mihawk were the only ones who were sober and made some pretty funny expression as you stared at shanks shaking your head. You took another sip of your sake and Shanks moved closer to you almost close enough for him to kiss you.

That drunken smirk on his face was close to yours still. You're face was red with embarrassment as the crew cheered in the background to kiss you. You kept moving back until you felt someone bahind you. You looked up to see Mihawk looking down  at you with those peircing golden eyes.

You felt a hand be placed on your thigh as you jumped a bit shocked and noticed Shanks getting to close to your liking.

Your only reaction was to grab Mihawks long jacket. Tugging on it trying to get him to help you. Shanks' hand got closer to being under your shorts. You shrunk back into Mihawk, not on purpose. Just as you closed your eyes you heard a loud smack sound. You open  your eyes and noticed that Shanks' hand was was and pulled back.

"M-Mihawk..." Shanks pouted as he hugged his hand with tears in his eyes.

With one quick swift you were swept up off your feet by Mihawk carrying you bridal style and just casually walked away deeper into the woods as the rest of the crew booed.

You looked up at Mihawk just staring at his gold eyes that almost could glow. The shadows of the trees showed his eyes could really glow. The sun made him shine. His skin looked so smooth and soft. You wanted to touch him. Your eyes trailed to his lips.

Your heart raced, your cheeks burning, and your stomach full of butterflies. You just wanted to grab his face and kiss him until you can't breath.

His beautiful golden eyes shifted to you as you quickly looked away. You felt bad for staring but you couldn't help how handsome he was.

You felt his hands tighten on your legs and the side of your body pulling you closer to him. He even shifted you a bit so your face was closer to his. If he were to turn his head to look at you your noses would touch. You were melting in his hold and wasn't sure how much you could take it.

The only words that came to mind were 'I love you...Mihawk' you wanted to say it but you were scared of rejection you were scared he'd lash out at you. You've known him for a while now and he has never hurt you so why would you think of that?

You looked back at him as he suddenly stopped walking and gave a soft short smile, "I love you too."

He...what? You did feel some stress left your chest realizing you told him that you loved him out loud.  But he felt the same. He said it! He said he loved you too!

You couldn't help but smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he pressed his lips against your. Your only reaction was to kiss him back. His lips were everything you predicted.  His lips were soft and gentle.

He pulled back to continue to walk. You rested your head on his shoulder and could not believe he felt the same way. You were never this happy before until now.

He walked to one of the tallest trees in the forest where the sun shone most. He slowly got onto his knees still holding you but soon put you down on your back as he climbed over you pinning your hands above your head lacing your fingers into his and his legs on either sides of your legs.

You tried to calm your heart by breathing slowly. But your breath was shaky. You watched him as he kept those golden eyes on you.

You needed confirmation so you nervously breathed out, "I love you...Mihawk."

You kept looking at him to see what his next move, his next words.

He smiled and leaned down to your neck and placed a light gentle kiss on the nape of your neck.

"I love you too..." he hummed into your neck as you couldn't help but moan having your sensitive spot mingled with. His voice vibrated against your fragile skin.

He chuckled a bit from your moan and you got even more embarrassed. You had to rip your gaze away from him but he caught your face with his large warm hand.

"Don't let that idiot touch you again. Even a hug from him is forbbiden."

His voice was stern and filled with jealousy as he looked you in the eyes.

All you could do was nod your head slowly up and down. He then caught you in a kiss but this kiss was more deeper and passionate.

He nipped at your bottom lip asking for entrench you obeyed and allowed him to slide his tongue inside your mouth. His tongue was exploring your mouth not even touching yours until he was able to hear loud moans escape your mouth. He seemed satisfied and finally wrapped his tongue around yours and you both fought for dominance.

He let you win as you couldn't help but smile in the kiss thinking you won. He pulled back and was catching his breath. You still had some energy to spare. You propped your self up and put a hand behind his head pulling your hand through his hair and roughly pushed his head as you crashed your lips onto his.

He ended up falling back as you were onto of him. Straddling his hips and both your hands on both sides of his cheeks and kissing him. Showing him how mug you loved him.

He snaked his hands onto your sides and rubbed your hips. You both couldn't help but moan. You loved it and he seemed to love it too.

Now you lost all your breath. You had no more energy. You pulled back as you slid your hands to his bare chest. He wrapped his arms fully around you and pulled you down onto him. Your head laying under his chin but you could hear and feel his beating heart beat.

You closed your eyes finally feeling safe and warm in the arms of the one you loved most.

He whispered, "I love you [F/N]...]  one last time as he held you close and kissed his chest in response.

(( omg!! I've never done such a detailed story before! I'm quite proud of this! But let me know how I did I'd appreciate the feedback thanks!!))

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