Law x Reader

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He was after you. Well. Not you exactly. He's after Law. Who? Do flamingo. That pink fluffy ass of a flamingo! Hey...that kinda rhymed ahaha XD

Anyways. You both were trying to fight him but he is pretty strong. Law was at his limit and he was badly injured. He even lost an arm.

All you could do was panic. What were you suppose to do? You were on the ground unable to move. As you lifted your head up from the ground. Do flamingo slammed your face back into the ground.

Your name was being called out.

" [F/N]!!!! LEAVE HER ALONE! YOU ASS!!!" Law yelled at the top of his lungs still holding onto his shoulder where his arm was missing.

You laid there. Unconcious. Your head almost cracked open. Just as Doflamingo lifted his foot he went flying into the concrete building.

Law Pov

Her head was bleeding badly. My jaw dropped in anger and shock. How? Or why would he go this far?! She didn't do anything to her!

I reached for my sword. Doffy lifted his foot. Just as I went to swing something blood red had hit him and sent him flying into the far building.

I looked over to see luff in third gear. He looked like a monster! A very...buffed...energetic monster.

"Thanks luff I owe ya one!" I slowly got up grabbing my arm. It'd strange to grab your own arm. I walked over to you and bent down and slowly started to pick her up.

"Don't thank me yet! Take her and get outta here I'll finish this!" Luffy yelled angrily and started walking to the building that Doffy probably was.

I just nodded since I was too injured to keep fighting. I walked to the shore and waited for my crew to come with the sub.

I couldn't look at your body. You were covered in blood and who knows what your head would look like. You were going to wait to fix your arm. You are my first priority.

Just as you walked a little further a yellow sub emerged from under the water and the door flung open.

"Captain!  You alright?! Oh my gosh you both look terrible!" Bepo ran around the deck like a chicken without its head.

Not to soon after Bepo closed the door behind you guys and the sub went back under water.

"Alright. Our first and most important priority is to get [F/N] better as soon as possible." I instructed each person their job as I laid you down on the bed and places my long sword next to her.

I gave a small prayer to her in case.

The crew members started surgery on her immediately as I tried to et my arm back as fast as I could.

They did the little jobs as I waited for them to finish. I finally got my arm back. Good as new.

I put the plastic gloves on worked on your head. I've never seen someone so injured before. I felt so bad I couldn't protect you.

My eyes burned. Tears formed in my eyes and ran down my cheeks and onto my arms and you head.

I had to bite my bottom lip to stop my self from crying. I even think I made my lip bleed.

"I'm sorry...." I mumbled out as I continued to work.

An hour or more later. I was concintrating so time only can tell how long I was working.

Now I was finished. So much blood. So many stitches. I threw my gloves away and put a mask on so she can breath in oxegen and not die.  (Sorry if that sounded weird I know nothing about surgeons XD)

Your Pov

It felt like weights were pushing you down. Pinning you to the ground so you couldn't move. But slowly they were lifted off your chest as your eyes slowly opened.

You moved your hand a bit as it hit something hard and smooth. You were only able to tilt your head a bit and saw laws sheath. She smiled a bit to your self ad you grabbed ahold of the sheath. Even having his sword next to you made you feel safe.

You closed your eyes ready to go back to sleep since every little gesture made your energy drain.

But the sound of Laws voice made you keep your eyes open.

Law seemed to notice you awake and walked  over leaving the conversation he was in with Penguin.

"Your awake...finally." he gave a soft smile but you knew he felt bad.

"It''s not tour fault. I tried to protect you too. Obviously....I failed. I wanted to protect the one thing I loved but....I'm so weak....I mm sorry"

He grabbed your  hand and cupped your cheek gently and looked you in the eyes, "you did more than protect me. You gave me hope and cared for me when I kept pushing you aside. Thank you for loving me. I shall return the favor and show you how much I love you too."

He smiled and kissed you gently on the lips. They were all cracked and dried out. Did Law care? No. He loved you for who you were.

Days after that he took care of you as a husband would. He even read book on how to be a husband and sicknesses.  Some of the crew members would even try to change your oxegen tank but Law would give them a glare that chased them out the room.

Damn ... you feel deeper in love ....maybe he took your heart while you were unconcious?

Mihawk ✔
Zoro ✔
Kid ✔
Law ✔


Anyone else you want to add?? Or request??

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