Chapter Two

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Alya kept on telling Marinette to keep looking when...

"WHOOSH!" the clear, sunny sky suddenly turned from a sunny day to a dark, gray sky filled with clouds. Rain started to fall as a crack of thunder was heard.

"Adrikins! Help me! My designer clothes are going to get dirty! Adrikins!!!" Chloe screamed.

"It's ok Chlo. Really, but we need to take cover it looks like a tornado is starti-" Adrien couldn't finish as he was interrupted by a crack of thunder and lightning.


Marinette POV

In the distance, I could hear a faint EF5 tornado warning. My eyes widened, I didn't think the tornado was this strong.

"Alya, we need to get Chloe and Adrien's attention, so we can all take cover somewhere!" I shouted, only loud enough for her to hear.

"Sorry, Marinette you can tell me all about it later. I need to put this tornado on the Torando Buzz Blog! Bye gurl!" Alya called and ran with her phone in hand.

I sighed, I would just have to do this alone.

Edited on 6.26.18 @1:02 PM

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