Chapter Eighteen (BaD eNdInG)

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Day 1:

“Hi Adrien!” The nervous bluenette looked at the camera, it has been a few days since the um, “incident”. Alya and I have taken in that cute kitten you had with you. He keeps on eating cheese and stinking up our dorm, anyways I just wanted to talk to you.”

Day 2:

“Hi Adrien!” The girl looked down, “I just checked on you today since your father asked and you’re doing fine. The only thing that was strange was that there was a blonde woman there as well… I never asked for her name though…” her gaze was full of thought and the video ended.

Day 3:

The girl had bags under her eyes, but still had a smile on her face. “Hi Adrien! You’re missing finals week!” she murmured something under her breath, that the mic couldn’t pick up. She nervously laughed, and put her hand to the back of her neck. “I had my English and Math final today! I got an A in English, along with a B+ in Math! Pretty good, if I do say so myself.” She looked proud, then it went to a black screen.

Day 4:

“Adrieennnnn, your cat stinks. When you wake up, I’m going to make you give him a bath. Plus, he keeps on giving me this plushie that I had when I was little…” The girl’s annoyed glare turned to a remorseful stare. She looked down, as if holding something in her arms, “actually, nevermind.”

Day 5:

“Hi Adrien! All my finals have been finished! I ended up getting a really good grade in fashion and sewing! I’m so happy! I filled out my college application and scholarships have been like a wildfire for me! London College of Fashion wants me! The Fashion Institute of… somewhere wants me too! Italy wants me! And…” she suddenly got quiet, “Alya told me you wanted me too.”

Day 6:

“Woo hoo! No school finally! Graduation for us is next week! Right now it is currently 10:45 in the morning, haha. I can’t wait! I’ll finally be able to live my dream. And, who knows, maybe you’ll model my clothes one day too.” she giggled.

Day 7:

The camera was at a blurry angle and the only thing able to be seen was a blue-pinkish blur running around the room, “AHH! I forgot EvERyThING! ALYAAAA!”

Adrien found himself amused at the tapes. Giggling at some parts, blushing at others, and just feeling depressed as well.

Marinette. I can’t wait to see you.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

“Agrh! Help!” I yelped out in pain, as my vision faded and the door opened. I fell onto the bed, hearing the faint voices of doctors and others.


I awoke to the sound of people crying. Huh? I thought to myself, until I noticed a man. Father! I ran out of the hospital bed to hug him, “Adrien…? Adrien!” Father grabbed me in a tight hug, “I thought… I thought you were gonna turn out like that poor girl..”

“Huh? What do you mean father? What girl?”

I remained confused until I realized that the sound of crying came from the hallway. My father looked at me with sympathetic eyes, something he rarely did. I got up and followed the noise until I reached a room that had a grey sign next to it titled: Dupain-Cheng.

My eyes widened and-without thinking-I burst into the room. I saw a short lady on a chair look at me, her face wet and eyes red. “What happened to Marinette?!” I abruptly yelled, “Adrien!” that voice… wait, “Alya?” “Adrien, shh!” The girl whisper-yelled at me. She grabbed my collar, “those are Marinette’s parents. And she… she,” Alya didn’t finish her sentence.

“Alya, she did what?” Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see my father and, who I would assume to be Marinette’s father,” What happened?” “M-my daughter… S-she died…” My eyes widened and… did you hear that? Yeah, that was the sound of my heart breaking. “Marinette…!” My eyes got clouded with tears, “Adrien.” My Father said sadly, “no! Stop joking around with me!”

I ran over to Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, “It isn’t true right? Marinette isn’t dead, right?” She cried even more, looking at me. “P-please!” My Father started to drag me away, “I loved your daughter! I fell in love with her! I wanted to marry her!” My father paused, Alya turned around quickly, and-what I had dreaded-Marinette’s mother nodded her head.

Two Years Later

“Marinette had been struck by lightning two years ago. She was doing her job when a tornado came unexpectedly and a group of toddlers saw their precious “Ladybug” fall to the ground. I haven’t dated. I haven’t married. I couldn’t. Marinette was the only person who I would wish to love. I loved her. I loved her so much. So so so much. I loved Marinette Dupain-Cheng! But know she’s gone. And I will never forget her. Or how much I loved her.” The crowd clapped and I stepped off the pedestal.

Today was the anniversary of Marinette’s death. Her family had came, along with our entire class. Even Chloe. She was the next to give a speech after me. “Marinette was amazing,” a tear slid down her cheek,” I feel so sick with myself for the way I acted towards her. In reality, I just despised her. And, now in her spirit, that’s why I have opened the Bourgeois Café! Open to everyone! Any time!” A cheer in the crowd erupted.

Two people then joined the podium. Mylene and Ivan. Marinette actually was the one who got them together. Turns out she makes a really good cupid. I straightened my tie listening to the couple’s words when Alya and Nino approached me, “that was a beautiful speech, dude.” The male told me. I gave him a small smile in thanks. “So, um Adrien. How’s the line been?” “Oh amazing! Marinette’s designs are really popular!” After finding Marinette’s sketch book, I saw all the ideas she had. As an aspiring model, I decided to keep her spirit alive.

I learned how to sew. Yep, the boy born with a silver spoon in his mouth finally learned how to sew. Even with all the poking. After about a year I had successfully mastered the skill. Using Marinette’s designs I started making them and they sold. MLB Designs: Miraculous: Ladybug Designs, because Marinette was indeed miraculous.

Oof oof oofity oof oof oof oof. Well, that was like really depressing. I actually really like this, because I just surprised myself with my own storyline. That’s why I love writing. I can literally figure out the story and mold it in my hands. I could also change how it looks, even if it is really hard sometimes. Thanks for joining me on this incredible journey! Also yes! 1,084 words! >u< Good ending here I come! Have a good day my lovely cubs!


-          Mel the Panda out! <3

Edited on 7.12.18 @ 11:50 PM

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