Chapter Thirteen

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Adrien POV

I went running to the school, as I heard the tornado sirens start ringing. Out of breath, I reached the doors and slammed into them. A meow escaped from my jacket, as the black feline walked into the school, the doors opened. Alya stood there looking at me. She rushed me inside yelling," What are you thinking!? Get inside, lover boy! There's a stinkin' tornado out there!"

I sighed sheepishly, as I rubbed my neck. "Hehe, sorry Alya. I guess I wasn't thinking straight." She looked at me as if saying 'Boi. You telling me you weren't thinking to go in shelter. During a TORNADO.' But no words escaped her lips. "Hey dude!" I heard a familiar voice yell, from the other side of the room. "Oh, hey Nino," I fist-bumped him, as he came up to Alya and I.

"So.... Did you tell Marinette?" They both asked simultaneously. "Ummm. No," I waved my arms to reassure them, " But I have a plan! Don't worry! The tornado just got in my way!" Alya looked at her phone, "Well lucky for you, this isn't a big one. Just a minor." She glanced up at me, "SO. That means you can confess to Marinette tomorrow!" "ASAP!" Nino added. "I know. I know. But I have this great idea! I'm going to give Mari a-" 'WAIT! WHERE'S THE CAT?!' I thought in my mind, slightly panicking.

"THE CAT!" I yelled, running around looking for the small creature. Nino and Alya looked st me, with a confused glance. "NINO! I NEED YOUR HELP! WE NEED TO FIND A BLACK KITTEN!" I yelled. Alya shrugged, then pushed Nino towards me. "Your best friend. You have to deal with him, I have Mari," she mouthed at him. Nino and I started searching the classroom, that we were taking shelter in. (IDK WHY ALL THE STUDENTS AREN'T TOGETHER.... WELP! GUESS THE PRINCIPAL(YA) ISN'T RESPONSIBLE! Kudos to the 3rd Grade me, who was the only kid in my class who knew how to spell principal :P)

"WHERE'S THE CAT?!" I yelled, still worrying about the black feline. Alya 'shh'ed me, and pointed to her cell phone next to her ear. I nodded, and whisper-yelled to Nino, "Have you found it?" He shook his head no, and we went back to searching. Alya started talking to what seemed like her mother. "Mom, I'm fine. I'm at the school," I overheard.

Fast forward a few hours later and the tornado's over, but Nino and I still haven't found the cat. "Adrien, why are we looking for a cat, in the first place?" he asks. I manage a weak smile, and whisper my reason. Nino suddenly has an insane smile on his face, and I hear him mumble," My ship... Alya's going to love this." I shrug off his weird words, and continue looking for the black feline.

Suddenly, Marinette's parents come and offer us a croissant, along with their other delicious goods. "Umm. Mr. Dupain, do you think you could ask your daughter to meet me at the Eiffel Tower tomorrow, after school?" I ask, a croissant in my mouth. He looks intimidating, then he smiles. "Of course! Do you have a crush on my little girl?!" he's smirking, and I meekly nod. "You have my blessing!" he yells patting my back. My face is now as red as Nathaniel's hair. As he leaves to give more food to the students, Alya comes back from vlogging the small damage that came from the tornado. (Nino wouldn't let her leave the building #djwifi)

She looks at us, sighs, then calls someone on her phone. I hear Alya yell," Hey gurl! Where are you?!" I hear a girl talking, but decide it's none of my business, so I shouldn't try to eavesdrop. "Mari..." My eyes widen... Marinette?! "Adrien has a-" she's interrupted, as I hear a meow, and a certain black cat that jumped on me. Alya and Nino make their way over to me," Ohmygosh! Is that a kitten!?" I laughed, "Yeah... Kind of what Nino and I have been searching for this whole time," I furrow my eyebrows, "Do you know where Mari is?"

"Yes I do! But first who's that!?" she points to the kitten sleeping in my arms. I shrug and say," I found him, and I wanted to give him to Mari as a pet." Alya squeals, and jumps up and down, then stops. "What are you going to name him?" "Hmmm. Plagg!" The kitten opens its eyes, right as I say its new name. (Congrats to The_IT_Master !) "Plagg it is!"

Edited on 7.5.18 @ 1:27 PM

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