Chapter 2

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Normal Provo:
Colby and Caleb was woken up by the sound of banging on the door. They both looked at each other in shock. You can see the fear in Colby's eyes as he knows that their secret will now be exposed.
"W-who is i-it?" Caleb asked as he sat up a bit more.
"It's Zeb....have you seen Colby? He's not in his room" Zeb replied and asked
Caleb stayed quiet for a bit then replied with "n no..j just w woke up"
"Ok thanks anyway Caleb, sorry for waking you" with that last comment he left

Colby's Provo:
My heart was pounding thinking we just been caught but thankfully Caleb remember what I said about this being a secret. We both cuddled again, mainly to calm down and as it's also what we like to do.

After a little while we both got up and got dressed and went to have something to eat. We both decided to go down at different times. Caleb going first then me after as I know and everyone else knows that Caleb likes to take his time when eating, because when he was young he use to choke a lot which made Ezra mash up his food or precut it.

When it was my turn to go down I was stopped by my twin sis Shasha.
"Hey bro...where were you dad was looking for you"
"I was out walking to the market I wanted to look at things and of course beat up a bucket head or two"
"Yeah he thought that"

We both started walking down to the common room to eat and was just talking about random things like we always do. Even though I am close to her as she's my sis I can never tell her that I'm gay or I'm dating Caleb as with her big mouth I know she will spill out to someone. She may act like a boy sometimes but she is a proper girl.

Normal Provo:
When the two twins got to the table Colby sat next to Caleb. Everyone knows they are best friends as they are the only teenage boys on the ship and they have there moments when they can't stand to be with their sisters. While everyone was busy eating and paying no attention they both held hands under the table. While they was doing that they didn't notice a certain sibling has seen them do it as it was pretty much in plain sight..depending on where you are in the room.

After breakfast Caleb and Colby both went back to the room. They put on another film to watch. Caleb has already told Zeb that the two of them are watching films for the rest of the day so that way they won't be disturbed.

During the film they both decided to have a small make out session. Just kissing and cuddling of course as they were both bored. But they didn't notice a shocked Emilie standing by the door watching them. The only thing that gave her away was when she said "oh my...force". As soon as she said that both of them looked at her blushing. But then Caleb started to panic same with Colby.

"E Emilie please don't tell my family" Colby said as he stood up and looked at her slowly walking up to her. 
"Oh my force this is amazing and cute" was the only thing she said.
"S sis p please d don't t tell z Zebby" Caleb said trying not to let his fears of losing Colby get to him.
"Don't worry I won't bro"  she replied which sent relief over the both of them.

After that the three of them stood in silence all thinking of what to say next. Not long after that she left leaving the two of them alone. They both stood there for a while till they both went back to watching movies and started to eat. Caleb was holding Colby close to him as he thought that from that they would not be able to be together anymore. Colby noticed this and hugged Caleb like there was no tomorrow.

They did that for the rest of the day. Slowly falling asleep in each other's arms. Both secretly hoping that Emilie will keep her promise of not telling anyone about their secret relationship.

Hey everyone I hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think about this book and chapter.....  I have One question what do you guys think about having a sex scene in this book please let me know.

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