Chapter 6

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Normal Provo:
It has been a couple of months since Caleb found out he was pregnant. With in that time him and Colby told their sisters as they know they will be a bit mad if they didn't tell them. Caleb is now 5 months pregnant and his bump is getting bigger and harder to hide. The past couple of months was easy as he only wore big jumpers to hide it.

It was late at night and Caleb needed to get a drink. He didn't bother putting on his big jumper as it was late at night and everyone was sleeping. As he walked down to the kitchen he noticed a shadow and from what he could tell it was Zeb. He started to panic a bit and turned around till he heard a voice.
"Caley what are you doing up this late?" Zeb asked standing by the door
"I u uh..w went t to t the b bathroom" he replied hoping he would buy it
"Oh ok..well get to bed ok don't want you to hurt yourself" Zeb said going back into the kitchen

Because of this Caleb quickly walked back to his and Colby's room and got straight back into bed. As he got into bed he put his blanket and jumper over his stomach so just in case Zeb comes in to see him. Colby wasn't with him as Caleb's bed is a bit to small for the two of them at the moment, plus his mum was with him all day so he couldn't come over.

The next day Caleb woke up and felt sick, he quickly rushed to the bathroom forgetting about his jumper and throws up in the toilet. While he was being sick Zeb heard him.
"Caleb what's wrong?" He asked
"J just u upset b belly..I I'm o ok" he replied wanting him to go away
"Ok I will let your mum and dad know" he said as he left.

Caleb stayed there for awhile waiting till it was fully safe to move. As he got up he felt something hit his stomach. He looked down and seen nothing by him that could of hit him. He then felt it again and it was the baby kicking. He smiled and rubbed his belly and called for Colby. Not long after he came running in
"What's wrong?..are you ok?" He asked while walking up to him
"B baby k kick" Caleb replied rubbing his belly

Colby smiled and went over to rub it, as he was doing that he asked "can you kick for daddy?" He waited keeping his hands still on Caleb's stomach. After some minutes the baby kicked and they both smiled and looked at each other. When the both of them kissed the baby started to kick like crazy. They both then decided to pull away and laugh.

Colby got on his knees and hold Caleb's stomach and talk to the baby, "you like it when me and mummy kiss?" He asked all he got in return was a kick of course. After a while they both walked back to the bedroom and sat on the bed and watched a movie and eat some snacks.

They done this for the rest of the day and had some little visits from their sisters as when they heard the news about the baby kicking they wanted to feel it kick. Once all that was done they both went to bed sleeping together this time, as because of the baby its making Caleb hungry all the time now. So they had a some what peaceful sleep. And when I say some what I mean hardly as Caleb kept moving to get comfy and the baby kicking him all night he hardly got any sleep.

Hey guys I hope you like it. Please let me know what you thought about it. Until next time
P.s this will get better I had no idea on what to do on this chapter

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