Chapter 7

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Normal Provo:
It has been a couple of weeks now since the baby started to kick and Colby and Caleb have been hiding it well. However a problem has occurred, during those couple of weeks Caleb's health haven't been going so well. He has been getting more pale and skinny by the day and he hasn't been eating or sleeping right. So far he has been keeping this a secret from Colby as he is still doing ok.

The only one who has noticed this is Kanan, he knows his son isn't doing well and that he is struggling with this pregnancy. Mainly for the fact that he is carrying a hybrid baby and his body really isn't that well designed for a hybrid baby much less his body isn't designed for a baby at all.

Kanan's Provo:
I can still remember what Hera said to me all those years ago, when Ezra was carrying Emilie and Caleb. About him having a small chance of surviving the pregnancy. But I'm more worried about this with Caleb as I was with him. Everyone else can't notice it because of his bump but I can he is getting skinny.

He is not eating because he is nearly always sick. I'm going to have a conversation with Sabine and ask her what she ate when she was pregnant. He also isn't sleeping because he is not use to the baby kicking.

I'm happy that Colby is taking good care of him. But he is blind to Caleb's appearance, he is mainly caring about the baby's health and thinking that Caleb is ok, but I can't blame him for that as I kinda done the same mistake with Ezra.

I went up to Colby and asked him to come with me to my room so I could talk to him.

"Hey Colby I need to talk to you about Caleb" I said to him as soon as I locked my door.
"Sure what do you want to talk about?" He asked
"I need you to get him to eat and sleep more" I said to him I can see he was a bit confused so I had to tell him straight.
"Listen Colby, Caleb is getting really skinny and he is really tired, you need to get him to eat more as this baby it's a hybrid and they need more energy and stuff. I am going to ask your mum what she ate when she was pregnant with you and your sister, so we know what food to give him. And don't worry I will tell her I was just interested as I was away on a few missions when she was pregnant so I never really spent time with her, so your secret will be safe" I said to him hoping he understood it all.
"Ok Kanan if you say so. W..will he be ok? will he survive the pregnancy?" He asked me with worry
"We will do are best, we need to make sure he eats and rest ok...and if he is still not getting better..when he is 8 1/2 or 9 months we may have to preform C-section on him so then there is a bigger chance of him and the baby surviving" I said to him. I could tell he wasn't one for C-section but if he loves my son he will go through with it as it is safer for Caleb and the baby.
"Ok Kanan we will do it...I'm going to get him some food for him...I heard mushy food is good so I will try that?" He told me. I nodded and opened my door for him and he left.

Colby's Provo:
I can't believe this..why was I blind to this? Caleb is in trouble and I didn't noticed. Hopefully he will forgive me and I will make this up to him by staying by him all the time now.

I walked in to our room with some food for him, as soon as I looked at him I noticed what Kanan was on about by skinny. His arms was thinner then normal and I can also start to see it in his face as well.

I sat next to him and put the plate on his lap and I told him to eat it, saying that it's good for him and he won't be sick after. Thankfully he started to eat it. Unfortunately he couldn't really lift his arms up mainly because he is exhausted from the lack of sleep and the right amount of food.

So I help feed him taking it slow as he was naturally a slow eater because when he eat fast he can choke on his food. He may have all of these problems but. I love him for it. Besides no one is normal, there is no such thing as normal because what can be normal to some is strange or wired to someone else.

Once I gave him his food I put his plate on his side and cuddled into him and lays him down in a comfy position and we stayed like that until he and I fell asleep.

Hey guys I hope you like it. Please tell me what you thought about this chapter.

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