Chapter 10

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Normal Provo:
Caleb is now 9 months and he still isn't better. Colby is worried as he knows Caleb can have their baby at anytime now, but he didn't show his worry around Caleb. Colby has also became more protective over Caleb as his lasan instinct has kicked in, only him, Kanan and Ezra can go by Caleb now as that's who Colby allows. Kanan and the others started to talk about giving his a c-section now, but they need Colby to agree to it. Colby just wants to wait a little longer to make sure the baby is developed well.

Caleb has a small oxygen tube in his nose to help him breathe better, just in case he may need it. Colby holds Caleb's hand to comfort him more as he cant sit on the bed as Caleb is now a bit big and he has spread himself out on the bed.

Kanan and Ezra was in the kitchen talking about Caleb.
"Listen Ezra we should do it now" Kanan said standing by him and having something to drink.
"I know Kanan but let's give him one more day" Ezra replied looking at Kanan, they both stood there for awhile until Kanan agreed to what Ezra said.

Not long after that Colby got Caleb's food and walked back out to feed him. Colby has also got less sleep as he has been worrying a lot because of Caleb.

Once he fed Caleb he put a movie on for him. After a day of doing that they both fell asleep. Caleb in the bed and Colby on a make shift bed that was on the floor by Caleb. Since Colby isn't sleeping with him now Caleb has been sleeping with his favourite teddy bear that he had when he was just a baby.

During the night Caleb started to feel pain in his stomach and he started to feel wet down below. So he woke up and turned the light on. It wasn't until he felt a contraction that made him scream in pain. This made Colby jump straight up and has also made Ezra come running into the room and go straight to Caleb.

Colby's Provo:
I can't believe it Caleb is giving birth now and we are not fully ready. I held his hands while Ezra started to sort him out. A little while later Kanan came in. While Caleb was in labour they was saying he now needed a emergency c-section because seeing how he is, he needs it.

I looked at Caleb trying my best to keep him calm and not to move about as much. When Kanan and Ezra started the cesarean, Caleb started to find it hard to breath so I put a oxygen mask around his mouth and kept telling him to take deep breaths. I told him that it will all be over soon and kept telling him stories and memories of us, like our first date where I accidentally ate a ghost chilli and started to run about like mad looking for water and other funny stories.

Caleb let out one last cry until we both heard the sound of our little baby crying for the first time. Caleb was there laid down on his back breathing heavily. I kissed his forehead and went up to Kanan and Ezra who was looking at our baby, both of them was close to crying. "It's a beautiful and healthy baby girl" Ezra said with a few tears in his eye. Kanan nodded in agreement. I took mine and Caleb's little girl and hugged her and rocked her a bit to calm her down. "Shh shh it's ok daddy's here shhh, I'll take you to mummy now" I said to my sweet little angel and kissed her forehead softly.

I turned around and faced Caleb. But when I looked at him something didn't look right. "Caley are you asleep sweetie?" I asked normally when we talk to him it doesn't matter if he is sleeping as he would respond, he will mainly smile if he was asleep. But he didn't me and everyone else started to worry. Kanan walked up to him and checked on him. Me and Ezra was there waiting for him to say something.

Caleb's Provo:
I could hear my baby cry and my mummy saying that it was a girl. Witch I'm happy about. However I couldn't stay awake and nothing but darkness started to consume me. Then everything went black.

Kanan's Provo:
I stand by my son and checked him over making sure he is ok. I then looked at the others and said "he is..."
Hey guys I hope you like this...yes this is the final chapter of this book. So I hope I will see you all when I post the sequel to this book. Till then bye.

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