(Kurts P.O.V.) Chapter 1

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{Song(s): Love You Like A Love Song: Selena Gomez}

I, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, was falling for the one and only, Blaine Devon Anderson. We had met at his old school, Dalton Academy. The crazy part was, was that he was gay also. I'd told my dad I was gay a few weeks before I met Blaine, and my dad was pretty open about it. Blaine now goes to my school because I talked him into it. Not in like a threatening way but just in a friendly matter. He had showed up one day without his Warblers jacket on and I was surprised at first but then really excited and happy.

"Hey Blaine, can you come over later?" I texted him.

"Yeah, what time? " Blaine responded.
"5:00?" I felt very nervous.

"Sure!" He sounded excited.

The day went by pretty much as any other day. I walked into Glee Club to find Finn and Rachel making out in the corner. "Get a room!" I yelled. They jumped and rushed to their seats. I chuckled. Santana and Brittany were holding pinkies for some reason. No one knew why and no one cared to ask because everyone knows how Sanatana gets when you ask her a simple question. Artie was waiting for Mr. Shue. Blaine was texting someone on his phone, I took a seat next to him. Sam and Mercedes were staring at each other passionately and then there was Tina and Mike. No one really knew what was going on with them because they've been on and off for the past few months. Quinn and Puck were staring into each others eyes for some odd reason.

Mr. Shue walked in with an excited matter. He grabbed his marker and started writing today's lesson on the board. "Love!" We all said, in a confusing matter. "Yes love!" He exclaimed. "This week, I want you all to sing a love song to someone. Whether it be a friend or loved one." I knew exactly who I wanted to sing mine too. I looked at Blaine and smiled. He smiled back.

Brittany and Santana sang "love you like a love song by Selena Gomez" There voices worked really well with each other. It was a very nice sound. They nailed the song. Towards the end, they hugged each other and Brittany whispered something into Santana's ear but no one could make it out. Everyone knew how open Brittany was with her sexuality. She was bisexual and everyone knew that Brittany had feelings for Santana. But no one really knew what Santana's sexuality was. She's slept with every guy in the school besides me, because I'm gay. But everyone in the room could feel a connection when Santana was with Brittany. My gaydar senses that Santana is gay but we'll never know.

The bell had rung which meant that school was over for the day. My dad had fixed me up a car for my birthday when I turned 16. It was pretty nice considering he did work at a car shop. I drove home to get freshened up for when Blaine came over. I had a lot of homework to do tonight but it could wait until after Blaine comes over.

Blaine was right on time, as always. He was usually never late, well to my house at least. Blaine came over weekly. He'd talk with my dad about cars or hair gel. My dad didn't really mind having Blaine over. The only time he did mind was when Rachel threw that stupid party, got everyone but Finn and I drunk, and Blaine slept over. Then, I was still trying to figure out if I liked Blaine so it was a bit awkward.

As I heard his soft knock at the door, I carefully walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened it.

"Hey!" He said in a cheerful tone.

Gosh, why is always so happy? Ah, I just love it.

"Hey." I responded, in a nervous matter.

"Everything okay?" He suddenly looked a bit concerned.

"Yes. I just...Come with me." I grabbed his hand and sped walked up my stairs.

"Okay then." He mumbled.

As I opened my door, I realized how much of a disaster my room was.

"Don't mind the mess. Please sit." I said and started moving things around.

"Alrighty then!." His smile was stteatched across his face once again.

"Listen Blaine. The reason I wanted you to come over was so that I could ask you something. Something that could possibly be more than just a friendship...between....us." I suddenly felt sick. "And I know, this is probably going to ruin out friendship in just a few minutes but I wanna take that chance because I know that if I don't, I won't be happy."

"Go on.." He looked me in the eyes.

"Okay, fine. Blaine, I really really like you and I just really want to know if we could go out, like on a date sometime. And not just to go get coffee as friends. Like, to hold hands while walking down the streets, or kissing each other in the park. I want all of that and I want it with you." I felt somewhat relieved that I'd said all of that.

"I'd love too, Kurt. You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that. I never thought that you would actually have the same feelings. I guess, I was just too chicken to ask." He blushed and planted a small kiss on my lips.

I leaned in only to find his hands on my head and neck and mine on his shoulders. It was a little awkward for our first kiss but it was enjoyable. Blaine made me feel special. He lit up my world. He made me feel like I belonged. He got me out of the Kiroufsky situation. Kiroufsky was the school bully. He was the reason I met Blaine. Kiroufsky bullied me to the point where I had to transfer schools just to feel safe. In other words, Blaine made me feel alive. Like someone cared about me other than my father. Which is a good thing.

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