(Blaine's P.O.V.) Chapter 2

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Again, I don't not own any characters in this story. They are for entertainment purpose only.

Last night was amazing. Kurt was amazing and confident and brave. Yes, everyone would think of me as all those things but for some reason when I'm with Kurt, I for some reason can't seem to speak without stuttering. He made me feel special. Now I, Blaine Devon Anderson, have found my 1 true love. His name is Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. One day our name will be Hummel-Anderson. We'll have such cute children.

"RIIIINNGG!!!!" My alarm clock sang, or should I say, screeched. It was exactly 6:45 A.M.  Time to get up and get ready for school. My morning routine is always the same. Shower, brush teeth, get dressed, hair gel my hair like mad, and leave. Simple as that.

Fast forward to school:

"Hey Blaine? Did you finish last nights homework?" Sam asked, in a very bright tone.

"Sam, I've told you this many times. You're not going to copy my work. I actually put effort into my work! But, yes, I did." I exclaimed.

"Whatever dude. I'll just ask Mike." Sam walked away, anxiously looking for Mike.

I on the other hand, was trying to find Kurt. Ah yes, there he is, looking stunning as ever at his locker.

"Hey love." I said, wrapping my arms around him. Kindave like a romantic hug from behind.

"Blaine? Is that you?" Kurt spun around and planted a very romantic kiss on my lips. I could feel him trying not to break into a smile.

"Look who finally decided to join the gayrade!" Santana had rudely interrupted us.

"What the hell is a 'gayrade' Santana?" I asked, in a very non enthusiastic way.

"You haven't heard, then I'll tell you.  Its when you and any other gender like you comes together as a couple and they celebrate!" She said in a very weirdly matter.

"Santana, that made no sense what so ever. At least we are out of the closet. Now, if you'll excuse us, we were in the middle of something." Kurt replied, hesitantly.

Santana stormed away in her usual matter and Kurt and I finished what we started. The bell had rung and I so desperately wanted to go to class but Kurt's lips were like sugar and so soft that I just couldn't resist. Mr. Shue had to split us up eventually. I was a little embarrassed but it was worth it.
Glee club:

"Alright guys! Who's got a love song for us today?" Mr. Shue asked the class.

Rachel raised her hand. "Mr. Shue, I think Finn and I will sing today!"

"Go ahead." Mr. Shue took a seat next to Artie. Artie didn't look so good today. Lately, he's been acting very strange. After Tina and him broke up, he's been very down. I feel bad for him but he's also gotta learn to get over her. She's just a girl. Lots more fish in the sea is what my mom always said to me.

Rachel and Finn were singing their song. I didn't recognize it, really. That or I just wasn't listening close enough. I was too focused on Kurt if I'm being honest. Kurt looked at me and smiled. I reached for his hand and he took it. As Rachel and Finn finished up their song, Santana had rudely interrupted them.

"Do you guys always have to do lame love songs?!"  Santana was furious.

"Well, unlike you Santana, we can actually show out affection to the person we love." Finn responded, hesitantly.

"Finn! That's enough! But what exactly are you talking about?" Mr. Shue looked confused.

Santana gave Finn the evil eye.

"Nothing Mr. Shue." Finn said, in a moddy tone.

"RIINNGG!!!" went the bell. Everyone rushed out of the room so they weren't late for their next class. Artie was usually theast person out, so I stuck back to talk to him.

"Artie?" I asked him.

"What Blaine?" He sounded mad.

"Why have you been so down lately?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I think...I..uh like Brittany.." He stared at the ground.

"Then tell her." I replied.

"It's not that easy." He grunted.

"Artie, yes it is." I smiled and walked out of the room.

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