(Kurts P.O.V.) Chapter 3

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School gets really boring sometimes. Classes seem longer as the year goes by and they're usually supposed to go by quick. I guess I just have a lot on my mind. Between school work, Glee club and now Blaine, puts a lot on me. Usually I don't mind but I want to put my foot forward this school year. Its my last year before Nayada and luckily I have Rachel there by my side for that. She's a good friend, even though she can be bossy. I still love her.

"Hey love." Blaine texted me.

"Blaine! You know I hate texting in class." I responded quickly.

"Your place. Tonight @ 8. I have a surprise." I blushed.

"Okay." I put my phone away before I got caught. "I wonder what he has planned?" I thought

I caught up with Finn in the hall.

"What's going on with you and Rachel? You guys have been on and off these past few months." I started to catch my breath.

"You know little bro, I'm not sure. She says were meant to be, and trust me, I think we are too. I think I just need some space." He looked confused.

That was the first time Finn called me bro. A few months ago, my dad and his mom got married which makes us step brothers.

"Well Finn, I think you should tell her how you feel." I gave him a pat on the back.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Also, I finally asked Blaine out." I blushed.

"That's great man. Hope you guys are happy. I gotta go to class. See you at home." He walked past me.

I went to my locker to find a picture of Blaine hanging on the door part. He looked so cute in his Warblers uniform. I smiled and leaned against the locker behind me. I was off in a daze when I felt Blaine's arms on my neck and his manly, strong arms wrap around me.

"God I love you." Blaine whispered.

"I love you too." I responded and spun around to slowly make out with him.

"Save some for later." Blaine said and pulled away.

"Definitely!" I smile started to appear on my face.

I heard Santana's annoying heels come rushing behind me.

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel!!" She sounded furious.

"Hey Santana. What'd I do this time?" I assumed.

"Hahaha. Nothing. Can you do me a favor?" She asked.

"And why would I do that?" I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

"Because we're kindave friends." She sarcastically replied.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I need you to help me with my look. And I swear on your life if you tell anyone about this, you will regret your life choices." She threatened.

"Oh my gosh!! Makeover!! When?" I screeched.

"I know you can't do tonight because of Blaine. But maybe this weekend?" She whispered and winked.

"God Sanatana, shutup! But sure." I slammed my locker and walked off.

I checked my phone for the time. "3:45 pm" it read. School is out for today. I walled out to my car to find Rachel crying and Finn trying to calm her down. Well, at least he broke it to her and did what he thought was best.

I got to my car finally and headed home. I wondered what Blaine had planned tonight. It's only been a day since we've started going out and I already feel like he is the one.

I turned the air on because I was burning up. I don't know if it was from the blazing heat or if I'm getting sick. Please don't be sick.

I pulled into the drive way to find my dad's car gone. He's usually home before me. I guess he is working late tonight.

I opened the front door to the sweet, delicious smell of banana bread. Carol must be cooking. I headed to the kitchen to find Carol taking banana bread out of the oven.

"Carol this smells amazing." I gave her a hug.

"Aw thanks love. How was school?" She asked and hugged me back.

"It was alright. Finchel drama. Hey, do you care if Blaine comes over around 8 tonight?" I asked.

"That's fine, Kurt. Burt is working late so I'll let him know when he gets home." She kissed my cheek and I went upstairs.

I threw my bag on my chair and started to clean my room up. It was a disaster from last night. I chuckled.

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