(Kurt's P.O.V.) Chapter 5

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As I was looking through the window to his room, he was hooked up to so many machines and IV's.

"What could've caused this?" I thought. Blaine wrapped his arms around me once more.

"Can we go into his room now?" Carol asked the doctor, as he walked by.

"Yes. But he is not awake yet." The doctor smiled and opened the door.

"What happened?" I asked, stuttering on my words.

"Well, he had a heart attack. We ran tests on him and he has cancer. I'm very sorry." The doctor looks at me, put his hand on my shoulder, and walked out.

Carol and I started balling our eyes out. We hugged each other like there was no tomorrow. I looked back at Blaine and he opened his arms wide open. I ran into his arms and we stayed like that for a few minutes.

Carol walked over to my dad and started to whisper talk to him. Finn wanted to talk to me. We walked out in the hall and left Carol and Blaine in the room.

"Did you know?" Finn looked tired.

"No I didn't. I wonder if dad knew himself." I wondered and said aloud.

Finn hugged me.

"You're my little brother, Kurt. I don't want anything to happen to you or dad." He sounded nervous when he said that.

"Dad?" I asked.

"He's my role model, Kurt. I respect him like that." Finn kinda smiled.

"I love you Finn. Thank you for all you've done for me." I sobbed.

"You're welcome bro. That's what bigger brothers are for. I love you too Kurt." He hugged me once again.

Blaine came out in an instant.

"Kurt! Finn! Your dad is waking up!" He whisper-yelled.

We rushed back into dads room too see dad looking very confused at everything. The doctor walked in right after us. I guess he heard Blaine.

"Mr. Hummel?" The doctor asked.

"That's me." Dad looked at the doctor.

"I'm sorry but you had a heart attack and you have cancer, that is spreading very slowly in your body. I didn't give too many details to your family but now that I see they're all here, I thought I would let you know." The doctor kept talking on and on.

I walked over to Blaine and held his hand. I'm glad he was here. I knew there was something up with dad. But I don't think he knew what it was either. I looked over at Carol, who was sobbing and almost ready to break out into tears again.

"The good news is that, the cancer you have is curable. We just need you to be here frequently for tests and things like that. You will also be prescribed with antibiotics that you must take in order to get rid of this. " The doctor flipped through his clip board.

"When will I be able to leave?" My dad asked.

"Within the next few days." The doctor smiled and walked out.

"Mom?" I asked Carol.

"Yes Finn?" She questioned.

"No, me, Kurt." I responded.

"Wh...what?" She stuttered.

"Well, I feel that we're a family and that we all deserve each other. Finn called me his brother and Burt dad in the hallway. We all deserve the respect." I smiled.

"Aww Kurt." She smiled.

Finn walked over to my dad.

"Do you really mean that Finn?" My dad asked Finn.

"I do sir." Finn smiled.

"Come here you guys. I love you all." My dad waved us over to him.

Everyone came in for a big, even Blaine. Everyone said goodbye to Burt and we headed home. Mom(Carol) was going to take us home and she was going to go back and stay with dad for the next few days.


Carol was packing a small bag full of her makeup and shower things. Along with clothes for her and dad.

"Be good you guys!" She said on her way out the door.

I didn't really know what to do after she left so I went up to my room. I had forgotten all about Blaine and by the time I was in my pajamas, he was already sound asleep in my bed. I leaned against the door panel and smiled.

"How did I get so lucky?" I whispered to myself.

I crawled into bed and snuggled up next to Blaine. He turned his body around to face mine and I kissed his adorable nose. He was even cuter when he was sleeping. I started to think of all the fun times we had at Dalton together as friends and now, in present time, I get to be his boyfriend. After awhile of playing back memories in my mind, I finally drifted off to sleep.

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