(Kurt's P.O.V.) Chapter 9

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I won't up the next morning to Blaine's warm body behind me along with his arm wrapped around me. I woke up a few minutes before my alarm and decided to get up. I shut my alarm off so it wouldn't wake Blaine up. I walked over to my closet and chose an outfit. I headed to my bathroom to take a shower. So many thoughts were running through my head. "How did I get so lucky?" And "God I love him." I started to smile and sing New York State of Mind even though there was no music playing. I was thinking about Nayada and New York. My audition was coming up very soon along with Rachel's and I had no clue what so ever what song I was going to audition with. It didn't worry me all that much because there's plenty of songs to sing. Rachel has been planning her song for years. She's been more excited than ever. She hasn't said a word to anyone because she's saving her voice. Which is quiet interesting if I'd say so myself.

As my singing came to a stop, I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Its me, Blaine." Blaine said, sleepily.

"Oh no! Did I wake you?" I felt nervous.

"Yes but in a good way. Are you about done love? I need to shower too." I heard Blaine say.

"Just come in." I said as I got out of the shower. I grabbed a towel to wrap around my waist and opened the door. Blaine was leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Thanks." He said and kissed me.

"Mhmm." I replied.

I heard the bathroom door shut and I decided to get dressed. As I was looking for my outfit I'd picked out 30 minutes ago, I realized it was still in the bathroom. I went over to the door and knocked.

"Blaine! Hey, I forgot my clothes. Can I come in?" I asked. I hadn't heard the shower start yet so I was confused on his response.

"Yeah sure." He responded.

I opened the door to find Blaine bare naked, struggling to turn the shower nobs.

"Love, you turn the hot to the left and the cold the the right." I said and grabbed my clothes.

"Thanks." He said and turned the water on, finally.

I headed downstairs to get breakfast when I realized I hadn't seen Finn since I dropped hin off at school yesterday. I picked up the home phone and dialed his number. I didn't hear his ringtone so I knew he wasn't home. After 6 rings, I decided to hang up. "Where could he be?" I thought. I shrugged and grabbed a box of Cheerios, a bowl, a spoon and the milk and made my breakfast. Usually I didn't eat in the morning but I was starving.

I heard someone come down the stairs but wasn't sure who it was. I turned around to find my dad searching for something.

"What are you looking for?" I asked, swallowing my food.

"I can't seem to find my phone. Have you seen it son?" He replied and went into the living room.

"No I haven't seen it. Do you want to use mine?" I got up and went to the living room.

"You wouldn't mind, would you?" He looked tired.

"No, not at all. Go back to bed. I'll bring it to you." I said and shooed him upstairs.

"Okay okay fine." He started up the stairs as Finn walked in the door.

"Where have you been?" I whispered yelled.

"I was with Rachel. Don't ask." He said sternly.

"Whatever. You better hope dad doesn't realize you weren't here all night." I started pacing back and forth.

"You wouldn't tell him. Would you?" He looked upset.

"Of course not. I'm your brother. Now go get ready for school. We have an hour!" I pointed to the stairs.

I followed Finn up the stairs and went into my room to grab my charger. I heard the shower water cut off and heard Blaine singing something. I couldn't quiet make it out because he was almost humming it. I grabbed my charger and went to give it to my dad. I walked past Finns room and he seemed quite down for some reason. I didn't say anything because he doesn't really like to talk about his feelings. He proposed to Rachel, how could he be so down? I headed back to my room and saw Blaine in his skin tight, teal colored jeans.

"Well someone looks very nice today? What's the occasion?" I asked and hugged him from behind.

"Nothing special, really." He said and turned around to pull me into one of his bear like hugs.

I snuck out of his hug and grabbed my bag. Blaine grabbed his comb and hair gel and headed for the bathroom.

"I'll be downstairs." I said to Blaine as I headed out of my room. I walked down to Finns room.

"Hey! Be ready in 5. I'm leaving soon." I knocked on Finn's door.


I walk into Glee Club as usual. The day went by pretty slow today. I took my seat next to Blaine and class started as soon as the bell rang. Mr. Shue kept talking on and on about how Sugars family was helping us out to get to sectionals. I liked Mr. Shue, he was always so bright and cheery and never let anything get to him. Plus he always knew what to say when in a bad situation. Blaine and I played footsy around our chairs as Mr. Shue finished up his talk. There was like 10 minutes left of class so we all made small talk and Finn and Rachel were by the piano flirting, like always.

"GET A ROOM!" The whole Glee Club shouted at the same time. Rachel gave us all a snarky look and took her seat while Finn stood there, helpless.

Never Ending (Klaine) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang