(Kurt's P.O.V.) Chapter 11

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"kid I'm very sorry but your father hasn't been taking his medication like he was supposed to do. The medication we prescribed him with was supposed to help his cancer and now that he hasn't taken it, he is very much so getting worse. The cancer is spreading at a very much faster pace than before. We are doing out best that we can to help him, but he also has to cooperate with us. The reason of why he wouldn't wake up was because the cancer spread to places we've never even thought of. He hasn't woken up yet but I'm sure he will. He will need to stay with us for the next few days to explain everything. I'm very very sorry kid." The doctor said and walked out of the room. I couldn't help but ball my eyes out. I walked over to Blaine and he wrapped his long arms around me. I was so scared for my father. I literally had no words. "Was he going to wake up? What if he doesn't? What will happen then?"  Those 3 questions kept circling around in my mind.

"Hey, I'm going to get some food. Want anything Kurt?" Mom(Carol)  asked me.

"No thanks. We ate before we got here." I said and went and sat down next to my father. I grabbed his hand and started to cry. "I just wanted him to wake up." As soon as I thought that he started to flutter his eyes.

"DAD?!" I yelled and jumped up.

"Shh! You're loud." He mumbled.

"Okay okay. Dad you're awake!" I gave him a huge hug.

"Where am I?" He looked around the room strangely.

"Well this morning you kindave freaked all of us out and you were rushed to the emergency room. Let me go get the doc." I walked out of the room.

The doctor came rushing back in to take a look at my father.

"Sir why haven't you been taking your medication like you were supposed to?" The doc asked.

"Is this what this is about?" My father rubbed his eyes.

"Yes Mr. Hummel. You're cancer is starting to spread around your body and if we can't cure this, you will die. You need to take your meds so that's why we will keep you here for the next few days. Got it?" The doc went to check the machines.

"Yeah sure." My father mumbled.

I walked over to Blaine and started to laugh.

"What?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing." I blushed.

"Hey dad, were going to head home. Carol is getting food right now. She shod be up in a bit. Love you." I said as I walked out the door.

I was in such a better mood. I felt happy emotions for the first time today.

"Thank you." I said as Blaine and I walked down the hallway.

"What for?" He asked.

"For making me get my lazy ass out of bed and come see my father." I grabbed his hand and swung it back and forth.

"You're very welcome." Blaine pushed the elevator button.

We were finally at my car and I didn't feel like going home right now. I sat in the car to think about what to do.

"Why don't we go walk around the mall?" I offered.

"Sure." Blaine started the car and backed up. The mall was another town over. There were no malls here in the small town of Lima Heights.


"Jesus Kurt. Did you really need to buy everything piece of clothing in that store?" Blaine asked, trying catch his breath.

"Well I needed new clothes. Hey don't get mad at me, when I am feeling emotional I stress shop!" I said and grabbed my new sunglasses.

"Kurt, you crack me up." Blaine said, leaning over for a kiss. I leaned in and he couldn't help but smile in the middle of it.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." He backed out of the parking lot and headed back to Lima.

I turned the radio on and started flipping through the stations. There was literly nothing on.

"Ugh." I turned the radio off and hooked my phone up to the aux. I started searching through my phone and found the perfect song. Hey Soul Sister.the song started playing and Blaine started to laugh.

"Really? This song?" He took a sharp left turn.

"Yes. Now sing with me." I said and gave him a friendly punch on the arm. Blaine started the song and I followed along with him. I couldn't help but stop a few times to admire how adorable he was when he sang. The way he looks at me when he sings just sends chills down my whole body. At about halfway through the song, I looked over at Blaine and just stared.

"Is there something wrong love?" He asked.

"No." I smiled.

"Then what?" He looked confused.

"I'm just admiring how talented you are." I said and started singing again.  As the song ended, Blaine and I broke out into laughter. The next song was I Still Believe. Blaine looked at me like "don't you dare skip that song."

"Blaine! You nailed both of those songs. You are truly amazing!" I said and cranked the A/C on. It was freaking hot in here and I was about to die of heat exhaustion.

"Thank you." Blaine said as we drove past the Welcome to Lima Heights sign. The drive there seemed like forever but the drive back seemed so short.

Blaine pulled into my driveway and I saw Finn walking in the door. Blaine helped me carry my new clothes inside and I followed Finn upstairs.


"None of your business." He smarted off and slammed his door.


"What?" He opened his door.

"He wouldn't wake up this morning so he was rushed to the emergency room. You see, if you were HOME you'd know this!" I stomped off to my room to meet Blaine in their. He helped me put my clothes away and we went downstairs to watch a movie.

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