(Blaine's P.O.V.) Chapter 4

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Tonight is going to be amazing. I have the blanket, the basket, and my hair is perfect I plan on going to Kurt's around 8 to have a romantic evening under the stars in his backyard.

My phone started to buzz. Sam again.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey Blaine. Do you have any condoms?" He chuckled.

"Dude, don't be dumb. I always have some." I laughed.

"Okay because Mercedes invited me over and I just want to be careful if anything happens." He sounded serious.

"I have some. I'll stop by in like 10 minutes. Your house is right before Kurt's which is perfect." I responded.

"Okay see ya in a few." Then he hung up.

I grabbed everything and headed out the door.


I walked up to Sam's door to find Sam rushing around his house. I knocked on his door and he came rushing to the door.

"Thanks man." He took them.

"You're welcome. I gotta go. I gotta be at Kurt's in like 10 minutes.  Later" I rushed to my car.


I took a deep breath and opened up my car door. I walked around to the trunk to grab the things for our date. As I was walking to Kurt's from door, I could see Kurt's window open and I could see him sitting on his bed. God, he looked amazing.

Knock knock knock

"Hey Blaine. Kurt's upstairs. I'll go get him. Come in." Finn said, as he ran upstairs.

I took a seat on the couch and waited for Kurt to come downstairs. The TV was on so I watched that while I waited. The Titanic was on, which I haven't seen in awhile. About 5 minutes into watching it, I heard footsteps coming downstairs. I got up to see Kurt, handsome as ever, run into my arms.

"BLAAAINEE!!" He screamed, and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"KUURRTT!!" I pulled away.

"So what're we doing tonight?" He grabbed my hand.

"I thought about having a romantic dinner in the backyard?" I tried to romantically question.

"Perfect. Just lemme put my phone on silent." He put his phone down on the counter and we headed outside.

Kurt slid the backdoor open and I laid down the blanket. Kurt opened the picnic basket to find spaghetti and garlic bread with some brownies.

"Do you have any candles lying around?" I asked.

"I do. Be right back." He ran inside.

I pulled out my phone to text Sam and ask him how his date with Mercedes was.

"Hey dude. Anything new with you and Mercedes?" I questioned.

He replied almost instantly.

"Man, I get here and figured that tonight was going to be perfect but I stand corrected. Her dog died and she won't stop crying. I feel bad but this is just really awkward. Help!" I almost laughed.

"Calm down. Just try and get through tonight. Maybe make her dinner? I don't know, but I've gotta go. Kurt will be back any minute. Later" I replied.

"Alright. Don't have too much fun!" I imagined him saying in a really stupid accent and winking.

I heard the door come sliding open and Kurt was coming out with a few different candles, lit. I quickly put my phone away and got up and helped him. We sat down and started talking about how perfect this night was going to be. Kurt dug into the spaghetti and practically devoured the garlic bread.

"Oh my god Blaine! Did you make this?" Kurt said, almost choking.

"Yes, I did. Please be careful sweet thing. Don't want any accidents." I smiled and winked.

I heard him swallow and it sounded very painful. I had only just started eating when we heard Carol come rushing outside crying and trying not to panic.

"Kurt!! Honey, come quick! Your father has just been rushed to the hospital. We need to go now!" Carol started yelling.

"I'm coming! Can Blaine come?" He asked.

"That's fine." She went running into the house.

Kurt started to break out into tears. I pulled him close to my chest as we awkwardly walked inside.

"Kurt, sweetie, please calm down." I whispered to him.

"I'm trying." He whimpered.

My heart fell deep into my chest. I hated seeing Kurt cry. It broke me knowing he was upset. Carol, Finn, Kurt and I were in the car within no time.

"Mom, what happened to Burt?" Finn asked Carol.

"I'm not quiet sure, hon. I got a call from the hospital saying he was being rushed into the hospital." Carol wiped her eyes.

It was a very long car ride. Carol was up front with Finn, while Kurt was in the back with me. I was holding his hand while he was leaning on me, crying. I tried calming him down by trying to rock him, but it didn't work I know that he's already lost his mother when he was little, he can't lose his dad too.

As Carol pulled into the hospital parking lot, Kurt saw his Dad being gurnied into the hospital. Kurt started to cry even more. Carol grabbed her purse and the rest of us rushed into the hospital. Carol started talking to the desk lady to see where Burt was being taken too. The lady said we would have to wait about 15-20 minutes in the waiting room.


"So much for 20 minutes." Kurt whispered, sarcastically with a chuckle.

We were finally able to see Burt. All 4 of us were allowed to see Burt as long as we were the only ones coming at the moment.

Burt was in room 206 on floor 3. The elavator isn't bad at all, I just don't like the idea of being stuck in one.

We finally reached Burt's room when we saw what he was hooked up too. That was when everyone started to physically and emotionally break down.

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