(Blaine's P O.V.) Chapter 8

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As Kurt pulled into his drive way. He quickly got out of the car and kept yelling at me to hurry up.

"Blaine! Come on!!" He wimpered.

"I'm coming!" I yelled out.

He grabbed my arm for the millionth time and drug me upstairs to his room.

"Wait.." I said.

"Oh no. I'm being stupid aren't I? I knew this was a stupid idea." He started.

"Kurt Kurt. Hun, no you're not stupid. I just want this moment to feel special for the both of us. Please just hear me out." I said as I interrupted him.

"Go on.." He sat down.

"Look, I love you. You're my soul mate. I've known this from the moment I met you. You have always made me happy. I'd never do anything to hurt you." I said and started to kiss him.

"Oh Blaine. I have waited so long to hear that come out of your mou..." Kurt said and I cut him off quickly.

"Shh!!" I whispered.

As we began to softly make out on his bed, Kurt's grip became slightly stronger by the minute. As I reached to unbutton his shirt, he was already ripping it off. We began to slowly become naked and we were under the sheets in no time. Feeling Kurt's angelic body against mine was amazing. He rolled over to where he was on me and he started to softly moan. We lasted, at least, another hour doing our thing when Kurt finally started to slow down and we just layed there, sharing at each other, breathless.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." Kurt smiled.

Kurt's phone started to go off like crazy. He rolled over to grab it and he gasped.

"What is it?" I asked and started to run my hand down his back. He clicked on something and showed the picture to me.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I screeched.

"Finn purposed to Rachel? Wait, I thought they broke up?" Kurt said and walked to his bathroom.

"You know, you have one fine ass Mr. Hummel." I said and winked.

"Blaine! Why thank you." Kurt closed the door and I got up to get dressed. My clothes were sprawled all around the bed so it took me few minutes to find them. As I was buttoning my last button Kurt walks out in a very nice, yet casual outfit.

"Well someone looks pretty freaking hot." I said as I walked over to Kurt.

"I should say the same for you as well." Kurt responded and leaned in for a kiss.

"Hey are you hungry?" I asked Kurt while trying to find a charger.

"Yes very. Want me to make something?" Kurt asked.

"Yes please." I said and snuck a peck on the cheek.

"Okay. Also, my charger is by my bed hun." Kurt pointed to his bed side table and walked downstairs.

I walked over to Kurt's side of the bed and plugged my phone in. Once I saw it light up, I sat it down and went to the bathroom. As I was doing my business, I looked in the mirror and realized my hair was a mess. I went to my bag and grabbed my gel. I gelled and went downstairs to meet Kurt in the kitchen. The aroma of burgers filled the air.

"Something smells amazing." I said and walked to the fridge.

"Haha very funny Blaine. There's tea in the pitcher if you want some." Kurt started flipping the burgers.

"How did you know I was looking for that." I walked to the cabinet and grabbed a glass and filled it with ice.

"Blaine, I am practically married to you. I know everything about you." Kurt turned the stove off and grabbed plates.

"Mhm sure you do love." I poured the tea into my glass and grabbed the chips from the counter and walked to the table. Kurt followed behind me with the burgers, ketchup, mustard, pickles and all that jazz.

We finished our meal just as Burt and Carol walked into the house. Burt was hooked up to a smaller machine that Carol was holding. She walked Burt over to the couch and sat down next to him. They made small talk that I couldn't quiet make out.

I got up to put my plate in the sink and to refill my cup. Kurt followed behind me and grabbed a soda out of the fridge.

"You know soda isn't good for you." I said to Kurt as he chugged the can.

"Love, I am not stupid." Kurt said and threw the can away.

Kurt walked over to Carol and Burt and I headed back upstairs to check my phone. I heard it buzzing like crazy. "Who could be texting me?" I thought. I picked up my phone to see 16 messages from Sebastian. They were talking about how cute I was and how he wanted to meet up. "Sebastian," I started. "I have a boyfriend and am not interested. Leave me alone please." I hit send and sat my phone down. I walked back downstairs and went over to sit next to Kurt.

We all talked about Burt and his experience. Then Burt wanted to get to know me a little more and we just all had fun talking. Kurt kept laughing and Burt kept telling stories.

Around 8, we all stopped talking and went our ways. Burt and Carol went to their room and Kurt and I headed to his room. I walked over to my phone to find many messages from Sebastian. I sighed.

"Everything okay?" Kurt asked.

"No. Sebastian won't leave me alone. He's really getting on my nerves." I said and flew backwards on the bed. Kurt layed on me and started humming a song I was unfamiliar with.

"Just don't think about him." Kurt finally interrupted the silence.

"I'll try not to." I said and rolled over.

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