(Blaine's P.O.V.) Chapter 10

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As the days went by, Kurt and I were only growing more and more in love. I loved him so much. I could tell that he was falling apart. He just didn't want to talk about it. I figured it was about his father being sick and all. I was worried for Burt. He was such a good man. He deserved a few more years of his life. Kurt can't lose him now.

I decided to invite myself over I've got to talk to him about this. No one really seemed to care that I came over anymore. Well, Kurt cared.

"Hey. Look, I know you're upset about your dad and all. But I want you to know that you don't have to go through this alone. I love you and I can't watch you get hurt anymore. I'm coming over tonight to talk about this." I texted him and put my phone in my pocket.

Kurt missed school today so I had to walk home. My house wasn't far from the school. I walked in the door to find my father sleeping in the chair with a beer in his hand. "Not again." I thought. My dad had a drinking problem which is why my mother left him. After my mom left, my dad started to cut back on the drinking but it was still a bad habit for him. He has at least 3-4 beers a day. That's only during week days. Week ends are worse which is why I try to stay over at Kurt's as much as possible. I quietly headed upstairs to pack a small suitcase full of clothes and other necessities I'd need for the next few days. I was going to stay with Kurt and get this all figured out. A few minutes later, my suitcase was packed, I wrote a note and stuck it in the fridge on his beer case so I'd know know for a fact that he'd see it.

I started out the door and headed to Kurt's place. Kurt's house was 15 minutes from the school, driving. So I figured that this may take awhile. Luckily, I brought my headphones and listened to music on the way there.

As I reached Kurt's house, I could see that the front door was open. I let myself in and yelled for Kurt.

"KURT! IM HERE!" I yelled and headed up the stairs. I walked into Kurt's room to find him sobbing on his bed, holding his phone.

"Love, what's wrong?" I dropped my things and ran over to him.

"My father was rushed to the hospital this morning and I've been waiting by the phone all day for a call saying he's alright but I've heard absolutely nothing." Kurr hugged me.

"Why don't we go see him?" I offered.

"It's not like they'd let me see him. He wouldn't wake up this morning and they rushed him to the emergency room." Kurt started to cry again.

"Well, let's go. Better to go anyways. Pack a bag just in case." I looked for a small bag and finally found one by his closet. I started folding clothes and put them in the bag. I walked over to Kurt and hugged him.

"Where's Finn?" I asked.

"Who knows. Haven't seen him in awhile." Kurt blew his nose and stood up.

"Come on." I grabbed Kurt's hand, his bag, mine and we headed for Kurt's car.  I threw everything in the back and hopped into the drivers seat. Kurt slowly got into the passengers seat and sat there sobbing. I didn't want to say anything that would upset him so I just turned the radio on and made sure the air was on full blast because it was hot outside.

I started driving and realized that I was starving. Nothing sounded good really but neither did hospital food.

"Hey, wanna get something to eat?" I put my hand on Kurt's leg.

"Yes. I'm starving." Kurt started to smile a bit.

"Where would you like to go love?" I started to slow down.

"Taco Bell sounds good." Kurt pointed to the little drive in. I pulled in and we ordered out food. I pulled into a parking spot and we ate our food and talked. About the time we finished our food, it was 6:45 pm and we figured we'd better head to the hospital. I was hoping Burt was going to be fine. He seemed fine the last time I saw him but yet again I hadn't seen him in a few days.

Kurt and I walked into the hospital and Kurt was asking where his dad was. She said he was on floor 4 and in room 456. We took the elevator up to the 4th floor and searched for Burt's room. We saw Carol quietly sitting next to Burt who was laying in a bed, hooked up to many, many different machines. More than the last time he was here. Kurt walked in and gave Carol a huge hug. They talked for a minute and then the doctors came in. The news he gave Kurt made Kurt cry even harder..

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