chapter one-study sessions

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(I am making Jonathan a bit different in this story. He will still be his cute, quiet self, but he will be a little louder and happier around Casey and Riley. I just thought it'd be cute lol.)


"Ooh, look who it is!" Riley quietly mentioned, her eyes shifting down the nearly empty hallway, and away from my locker.

"Who are you talking about?" I questioned, confused as I pulled a couple books out from the storage space in my locker.

As soon as those words left my mouth, I then realized who she was referring to, making me instantly regret confessing one of my weirdest secrets to her. While her voice was very quiet, I could still sense the tease and excitement that was present in her words.

Shifting my eyes as well, I saw Jonathan walking through the main doors dressed in his usual converse, jeans, and a flannel, as it was very chilly these days. Watching him fiddle with his bag as he tried to put his car keys away made my heart speed up quickly for the boy I had known for a long time, and adored so much. He was very quiet and gentle, except when he was around me, or Riley. Other than us and his younger brother, Will, he didn't really speak to any of his other peers. He enjoyed camera work and taking pictures, but he's never really been able to show myself, or anyone for that matter, any of his work.

It was when Jon had sent me a cheerful smile, when I realized I had been gawking at him for way too long, and I quickly looked back to what I had been doing.

"Is that a little bit of drool on your chin I see?" Riley teased, nudging my arm with her own.

"Shut up," I said through gritted teeth.

Jonathan's smile remained on his face as he strolled up to us. "Hello, ladies. Don't you two look lovely today?" Both Riley and I looked down to our almost similar plain sweaters and dark wash jeans before looking back up to him with quizzled looks.

"Okay, you obviously want something. Just cut to the chase, Jonathan." Riley said from behind me, crossing her arms over her chest. I smiled as I closed my locker door as I know that he always has, and always will ask us for little favors every so often. It's just something he does, but at least he always returns them.

Jonathan's eyes then met my own. "I need help studying for our Chemistry exam tomorrow..."

I smiled while my eyes rolled. I know he was asking me, because him and I were in the same class, and Riley was still in Biology, as she was a year behind. "You can't be serious. It's not my fault you haven't finished any of your homework so far this year!" I exclaimed, hugging my books tighter to my chest.

"Exactly! I need all the help I can get! Will you please help?" He pleaded.

"I don't know-" Riley then jabbed her elbow into my ribs. I glared up at her, and she gave me a pointed look. I sighed. "Alright, fine. I'll meet you at the library around seven. Deal?"

"Deal," he quickly replied. "Now, let me return the favor by walking you to your first class." He then stuck his arm out, and I chuckled while taking the hint, looping my arm with his.

"Bye, Riley!" I called over my shoulder to her as Jonathan and I began our commute to first period.

"So what exactly is your first class, again?" Jonathan asked, leaning down slightly to my level so I could hear him in the now crowded hallway. 

Once again, I rolled my eyes at his silliness. "You should know. It's the only other class we have together besides Chemistry."

It was then when his face lit up, and his smile grew. "Oh, yeah! Precalculus with Mr. Buttlet, right?" I nodded. "Or as I like to call him; Mr. ButtLick." He whispered the last part quietly, and we both laughed at his silly joke. 

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