chapter eleven- the bathtub

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Breaking into the middle school was definitely a big no-no if I was being completely honest, but in able to channel Eleven's power, we needed a pool and a shit ton of salt. And a place to set everything up. The boys said the middle school gym was the best option and despite being against the idea, I still busted the lock with bolt cutters anyway. 

We wasted no time getting set up. While the boys pulled the plastic pool into the middle of the gym and filled it with water,  Hopper ushered Jonathan and I into the back to load up salt since we were the strongest. 

"Wait, it's not going to snow next week, is it?" I questioned as threw a bag onto the trolly, Jonathan passing me another one right after. 

"Worst case, no school," Hopper said, handing another bag to Jonathan to keep the our line moving.

"Even if we find Will in there," Jonathan started. "What are we gonna do about that thing?"

"We're not going to do anything. I don't want you guys anywhere near this, alright?" Hopper told us, giving each of us stern looks before throwing another bag to Jonathan. "Your mom has been through enough already."

"He's my brother," Jonathan countered. 

Hopper stopped the movement of our line as he took a step closer to Jonathan. "Listen to me, I'm gonna find him, alright? You gotta trust me on this." He placed a strong hand on Jonathan's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "I am going to find him."

Jonathan sucked in a breath before nodding. 

Once we had enough salt, we wheeled the cart back into the gymnasium where the boys had been filling the Byers' swimming pool with water. I noticed Eleven was sitting off to the side on the bleachers and I figured she needed a comforting pep talk before going through with all of this so while the boys started dumping the salt into the water, I headed in Eleven's direction.

"Hey kid," I greeted once I approached and she sent me a faint smile. I went ahead and took the seat next to her. "Are you nervous?"

"Yes," She answered softly, staring straight ahead. I noticed that she was mostly staring in Mike's direction, watching his features carefully as he helped the rest with the salt. 

"You seem fascinated with Mike," I stated and she quickly turned back to me, while giving me a confused look. "Do you like him?"

She sighed quietly, looking down to her hands. "He understands,"

I chuckled lightly. "The ones who do a good job at understanding are the keepers, trust me." She sent me another small smile, but that was when the boys began to cheer, having finally got the egg to float in the water, meaning they had enough salt. I sighed and glanced back to Eleven. "Well, I guess that's our cue."

Her eyes furrowed up at me. "Cue?" 

I chuckled again. "It means they're ready for you," I told her. I watched as she sucked in a shaky breath and I rested my hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Hey, I'm gonna be there with you the whole time, okay? I won't leave your side for a second."

I then stood up from my seat, holding my hand out for her to take. She hesitated before placing her small hand into mine and I lead her to the pool in the middle of the gym where the rest of the group was awaiting her. 

Joyce held out the duct-taped goggles for the girl once we approached and El released my hand to take them from Joyce's hands. El glanced up at me one last time before she finally slipped the goggles on and I grabbed ahold of her hand once more to steady her as she stepped into the pool. I didn't even let go of her hand as she laid on her back, letting the water keep her afloat.

unpredictable ; jonathan byersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang