chapter five- pictures

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I decided to make my shower quick, since I made the wise decision to call up Barb, and ask if I could join her, and Nancy at Steve's party tonight. As much as I could not stand Steve and his entourage of asshole friends, I needed actual plans, as I would've been home alone the entirety of the night doing nothing but reading The Bourne Identity for the fifth time.

Barb was going to pick me up around seven, and I quickly hopped out of the shower once I was done to start getting ready. I didn't do much to get ready other than dry my hair until it was about halfway dry, with little to no makeup. My outfit also wasn't anything special, and it consisted of the same black wool skirt, and tights that I wore today with Jonathan, but with a grey sweater this time. I finished the look off with my black converse. I was tying my shoes up as the blaring of a car horn came from outside. I quickly finished what I had been doing, and left my room, hopping down the stairs.

"Well, if it isn't little miss skips school," I heard Barb call from out her window at me as I closed the front door behind me, locking it. I smiled, then began walking to her car. "Seriously, how the hell did Jonathan convince you to ditch school? You're like the perfect student."

"We actually went somewhere important today, if you have to know everything, " I told her with an amused glance, hopping into the backseat of her car. Nancy was in the passenger seat, and I sent her a smile. "Hey, Nance." She returned the smile, and waved back to me.

"Where did you guys go?" Nancy asked me, as Barb backed out of my driveway, and began driving.

"We went to his dad's place in Indy to check and see if he was hiding Will there," I explained to them.

"Really?" Barb asked, glancing at me in the rear view mirror before putting her eyes back on the road. "Was Will there?"

I shook my head. "Nope, so it was a complete waste of our time. However, Jonathan did buy me Wendy's afterwards, so I guess it was worth it."

"He WHAT?!" Nancy and Barb both exclaimed, and Nancy turned to look at me, her eyebrows raised in pure shock.

"He bought you lunch?" Nancy questioned, excitedly. "That is so romantic!"

"I guess," I said with a shrug. It was then when I noticed my best friend wasn't sitting next to me in the backseat. "Wait, is Riley not coming?"

"She told me she was studying tonight-" Barb started.

"Barbara, pull over," Nancy cut her off.


"Pull over!"

Barb nonetheless pulled over to the side of the road, looking around the unfamiliar neighborhood in confusion, before glancing at Nancy. "What are we doing here? His house is three blocks away!"

"We can't park in the driveway," Nancy told her, bluntly.

"Are you serious?" I questioned. I, for one, was not up for walking three blocks in the cold.

"Yeah, his neighbors might see," Nancy explained, pulling the visor down to check her lipstick in the mirror.

Barb shook her head. "This is stupid, I'll just drop you guys off."

"Come on, we're all going to have a great time," Nancy reassured her. "Plus, you promised you'd come with."

"Nancy, he just wants to get in your pants," I piped up from the backseat.

"No he doesn't. And you're not helping." She said, giving me a playful glare.

"Nance, seriously?" Barb asked her, looking at her best friend as if she was two-headed. "He invited you to his house, and his parents aren't home?"

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