chapter nine- the fight

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I didn't get much sleep that night. Shocker. 

But surprisingly, the lack of sleep was helpful. I finally let my thoughts wander about the events of last night and whatever that creature was. After long hours of thinking, I finally had a theory.

Once the sun rose, so did Nancy. She hadn't got much sleep through the night either so I sat on her bed and went over my theory with her. She even had a couple books from her bookshelf that helped the theory out about monster.

A little while later, a sleepy groan could be heard from the floor, followed by Jonathan sitting up from his position, rubbing his eyes. "Morning sleepyhead," I said, giving him a small smile. 

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked hoarsely, standing up from his spot to make his way over to the bed.

I shook my head, my jaw ticking. "Every time I close my eyes, I just...keep seeing that thing," I explained lowly as he sat down on the bed next to me, wrapping a tight arm around my waist. "Wherever I was, that place, I'm thinking the monster lives there and it was feeding there. That means that if Will and Barbara..."

"Hey," Jonathan said to catch my attention. "My mom said she talked to Will. If he's alive, that means Barbara could be too."

"But that means that they're trapped, in that place," Nancy countered quietly.

"We need to find it again," I muttered, causing both Nancy and Jonathan to give me looks of surprise.

"You want to go out there again," Jonathan stated, clutching my waist tighter. 

"Maybe we don't have to," Nancy said, meeting my eye since we had already discussed this earlier. 

"When I saw it, it was feeding on the deer, meaning it's a predator. Right?" I asked him.


"And it seems to hunt at night like a coyote," I continued, pulling the book that Nancy and I had been looking through closer. "But it never hunts in packs like them."

"It always hunts alone, like a bear," Nancy followed. "And remember at Steve's, when Barb cut herself? And then last night..."

"The deer was bleeding, too," Jonathan mumbled. 

I pulled over another book, already on the page I needed. "And sharks can detect blood in one part per million. That's one drop of blood in a million and they can smell it from a quarter mile away," I explained to him, pointing to the picture of the shark.

"You're saying it can detect blood?" Jonathan questioned, his eyes watching me. 

I shrugged, "It's just a theory."

"We could test it. But if it works..." Jonathan trailed off.

"At least we'll know it's coming."

The door to the bedroom suddenly opened and the three of us grabbed each other in surprise as we quickly glanced up, seeing Riley in the doorway.

"I heard everything," She told us, crossing her arms over her chest. "And I want in."

"Damn it, Riley!" Nancy groaned, releasing her grip on me although, Jonathan and I kept our grips on each other. "How the hell did you even get in here?"

Riley shrugged, "Your mom left the door unlocked."


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