chapter six- bodies and kisses

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I felt nothing but betrayal towards Jonathan. He was the boy that I have liked for so long, and it was as if he had just completely stabbed me in the back with a dull knife. He might've been super oblivious to my feelings, but it didn't matter anymore. My feelings were no longer a secret.

I didn't really have much time to mourn over the fact that Jonathan had hurt me, because Will was no longer missing. His body had been found later that night floating in the lake just outside of town. After my mom had told me the news, I cried for two hours straight, the last pieces of my reality shattering after every tear. I cried during my shower, I cried while I was on the phone with Riley. Shit, I even cried while I was doing my homework. And to add to the overwhelming stress I had been going through, Barb was confirmed missing.

I got little to no sleep that night, and the next morning, I quickly threw on a random sweater, and jeans, then headed to Nancy's before school. If I was being honest, I needed a shoulder to cry on that wasn't my pillow, and I'm sure she was feeling the same since Barb was more of her best friend than mine.

As I walked up the Wheelers' sidewalk, I began to shiver, and I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets. My breath was crystallizing in the air in front of me, and I stepped onto the porch, knocking a couple times on the door. After waiting a few moments, Nancy's mother, Karen, swung the door open.

"Why, Casey, hello," She greeted. She then gave me a sympathetic smile, and she pulled me into a tight hug. "I am so sorry to hear about Barbara, and that little Will boy. I know how close you are with his older brother." Her grip on me released, and she pulled back, rubbing my arm in a comforting way. "All of this stuff that has been happening has just been so horrible."

I bit my lip, and nodded. "Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler, for your concern, but is it okay if I go see Nancy real quick?"

"Of course, come on in," She told me, opening the door wider for me, and I stepped into the house. "She's up in her room. Oh, and Riley is up there as well." I gave her one last slight smile, before heading up the stairs, and to Nancy's room.

"Nance?" I called out as I stepped in front of her room, and opened the door. Her and Riley were sitting on the bed, but they quickly stood up the second I walked in.

"Casey," Nancy whispered, pulling me into a hug. I sighed, and hugged her back, feeling much more comfortable than when Karen had hugged me just minutes before. "I'm so sorry to hear about Will. How's Jonathan doing?"

I shrugged, releasing my grip on her. "I wouldn't know. I haven't talked to him since after school yesterday."

"You mean, you guys haven't made up?" Riley asked, coming into the conversation, standing next to Nancy.

I furrowed my eyes at her. "I didn't really see any reason to after what he did," I said slowly. "Why do you ask?"

"She doesn't know about the other pictures," Riley then stated to Nancy. Nancy nodded in agreement.

"What other pictures?"

"Remember when I picked up the ripped up pieces yesterday?" Nancy asked me, and I nodded in response. She walked over to the edge of her bed, and from where I was, I could spot a few pictures that looked like they had been taped together. She picked up one of the many pictures. "Well, when Riley stopped by earlier, we worked together and begin taping the pictures back together with the pieces we had. We haven't finished all of them, but this was one we discovered. I think Jonathan's feelings are finally confirmed." She handed the picture to me.

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