chapter two-missing??

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a/n: so I changed the character that plays Casey because I felt Crystal Reed suits her character more, plus I might change the cover for this story, so if you are confused with the new changes, that is why.


I must have fell asleep at some point during the study session.

My eyes began to flutter as I felt movement beneath me. I was too tired to really care, so I snuggled my head deeper into what I had thought was my pillow. Huh, why did my pillow suddenly seem a bit more hard? It was then when the pillow began to move up and down as if it was breathing.


My eyes shot open like a fucking deer in headlights and I quickly sat up in bed, glancing down to sleeping Jonathan who was currently taking up half of my queen-sized bed. A wave of confusion came over me as my foot had kicked something, and when I looked down to the end of the bed, I noticed our open textbooks, and our notes were scattered everywhere.

I'm just going to quickly ignore the fact that I was just cuddling with the fucking guy that I have liked for who knows how long.

It was still pretty early in the morning as the sun was just beginning to rise, and I figured that Jonathan would want to go home soon before he was caught by my parents, so I began to put away all of our stuff. It wasn't long at all until I heard moving of the sheets followed by a muffled groan.

"God, what time is it?"

"Early," I replied back from the floor as I gathered my notes and stuck them in my bag, before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I'm sure my bedhead looked absolutely lovely at the moment.

"Wow, did I really fall asleep in your bed? That's embarrassing. I'm sorry about that," He chuckled at his shame. "Wait, where did you end up sleeping?"

"On the floor," I quickly lied, picking up his bag and handing it to him, while sitting next to him at the edge of the bed. "You, uh, fell asleep while we were watching TV, and I didn't want to disrupt you."

"You could've woken me up and made me leave," he stated, nudging my shoulder with his own.

I smiled at his silly gesture. "Nah, that would've been rude-"

The sudden rattling of the doorknob made me flinch as I became startled, and a hand grasped tightly onto mine, but I didn't have time to react as my mother's voice came from behind the door. "Casey? Are you up? Why is your door locked, honey?"

I took a quick deep breath to bring my heart rate back to normal. "Uh, yeah, I'm just getting dressed. I'll be down in a bit." I didn't hear a response from the other side, so I assumed she left, and I let out a sigh in relief, glancing downwards. My breathing became hitched, though, as I realized whose hand it actually belonged to, and my eyes went up to Jonathan who was already looking at me.

"I guess you should, uh, get going before my mom realizes why that door is actually locked." I told him, although, I wouldn't mind at all of he stayed...for obvious reasons.

"Yeah...good idea," He spoke with a smile, and he gave my hand a quick squeeze before standing up and heading to my first story window, and slinging his bag over his shoulder. I quickly followed behind him, only to make sure he got out safely, and he slid open the window, but stopped, and turned back to me and sent me another smile. "I'll see you later."

"I'll be counting on it," I replied. Only because we kinda just studied all night for this test today, I wanted to add, but didn't, and watched him climb out, landing safely on the ground only five feet below. He swiftly jogged across the yard, to his car parked on the other side of the street, and I shut the window as a cold breeze began to make its way in.

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