chapter three-let's ditch

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My grip on the steering wheel was beginning to turn my knuckles white as I neared the Byers' house, and I bit my lip nervously. After everything that has happened today, I didn't know if I was ready to face Jonathan again, or even his mom, and I was starting to get thoughts about backing out. However, I couldn't. Jonathan missed an entire day's worth of school, and I was the one responsible for bringing him the work that he had missed. Plus, this is an excuse to see him. He needed a friend; a shoulder to cry on, and I was going to be that shoulder. 

My nerves went skyward as I parked in front of the familiar house, and noticed two police vehicles in the driveway. I hurriedly turned my car off, grabbing my leather backpack from the passenger seat, and quickly walked up to the door. After knocking three times, and waiting a couple moments, a disordered Joyce swung the door open.

"Casey? Honey, what are you doing here?" she asked me, as her eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Jonathan left school early today, so I brought the work that he missed," I explained to her. "But, I also heard about Will's disappearance, and I am so very sorry. Is there anything at all that I can do to help?"

Joyce shook her head, and smiled slightly. "No, dear, it's fine. But please, come in. It's freezing out here," I stepped into the warm house, and she quickly closed the door behind me. "Jonathan is in his room."

I gave her a sympathetic smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Byers. And, if there is anything that you need, don't be afraid to ask." She nodded, and I gave her a quick hug before heading to Jonathan's room. 

His room was the last one on the right, and when I approached, he was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. My heart shattered at the sight of him looking this broken. I wondered to if he, too, blamed himself for his brother's disappearance. I know I was. "Jonathan?" I called out as I walked in. His head jerked up at my voice, and he gave me a look of pure confusion as I sat down beside him on the bed. "Hey, how are you doing?" I asked him, quietly.

He sighed, glancing back down at his fiddling hands that were resting on his knees. "If I'm being honest, not good." He then met my eyes again. "Have you been feeling's partly your fault? That he's gone?"

"All damn day," I answered honestly. "I could not stop thinking about it; how we could've done things differently last night." I sighed, almost out of feeling completely drained from what all has happened today, and I rested my head on his shoulder, while looping my arm with his. 

He let out a dry chuckle, but even I, his best friend, knew it was fake. "Glad I'm not the only one," he stated. There was a short pause of silence as we sat like that together, before I felt him shake his head. "Wait..." I picked my head up from his shoulder, and gave him a confused look. "Why are you here? I'm guessing you didn't just show up to console your best friend, right?"

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, and he smiled in return. "Well, that's mostly why I'm here, since you didn't really give me any time to talk to you at school today before you up and left. Also, speaking of you leaving..." I reached into my backpack on the floor, letting my short curls cover my face, and I pulled out the stack of papers. "You have some making up to do. The only thing that isn't included is the chem test that Mr. Ray wants you to make up in class tomorrow." 

He took the papers from me. "Well thank you...for this," he told me, gesturing to the stack, and he set the stack behind him on the bed. "But I can't make up that test tomorrow." I met his gaze again, and my eyes furrowed. He hesitated, before scooting closer to me, and resting his hand on my knee. I almost let his touch affect me, but I decided now wasn't really the best time to be drooling over him. "I need to ask you a favor, and it includes us skipping school tomorrow." 

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