six - i miss you.

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Brendon's pov:

it's been a couple of weeks since Ryan left.

we haven't talked since the day he landed.

I re-read our last conversation to see where I went wrong.

ryro ☀️ : I've just landed in London! can I be a Beatle now?! :D

me : haha I mean you already have the hair also take lots of pics!! :0

ryro ☀️ : haha I've had the hair just for this day and I will! :)

ryro ☀️ : hey my mom says I have to go check in at school and get all my stuff settled, wish me luck! I'll talk to you later beebo! ^o^

me: haha ok, good luck ryro! (:

was it me? did I say something?

I even tried to send him a text last week.

no reply.

what if he met someone else.

what if he thinks it's better to just disappear than to tell me he's met someone else.

I haven't left my room unless it's to go to school but I look like a mess and sleep the whole day away and come back home to lay in bed.

"Brendon, honey, how are you doing?" my mom asks as she enters my room.

"I miss him"

"I know honey, and I know he said it's only temporary but you can't just put your life on pause and wait for him."

"I-I think he met someone else. he hasn't replied nor has tried getting a hold of me."

"aw sweetie, i'm sorry" he pulls me into a hug.

"hm why don't you go out and buy yourself something nice, and just don't think about him today, be someone else, look at cute boys, here" she hands me money.

"I-I don't know if I can"

"I know you can, now don't come home until you've got a cute boy's number."


i finally dressed decent for the first time in forever.

i just wander every store in the mall.

I haven't even tried to approach any boys.

I just want to go home and crawl into bed and listen to sad music and cry and sleep.

I see two boys that look about my age looking at suits and messing around, laughing having fun.

one has what looks like faded light pink hair.

he's pretty cute.


here goes nothing.

just as I start walking towards him, he walks away to talk to an employee.

I guess I should ask his friend if he's even into guys.

I try to look confident.

"hey, your friend is cute, do you know if he's into guys by any chance and if he happens to have a boyfriend?" I ask the friend.

"he is indeed into boys but i happen to be his-" he is cut off by the cute boy wearing a suit and being very excited about it.

"hey Tyler look they had medium and they fit it so it looks nice on me! and- oh hi" He says noticing me.

oh no. he noticed me.

ok, chill Brendon you can do this.

"hi, my name is Brendon, and can I say you look great in that suit" I say putting my hand out to shake his.

"joshy you look great I can't wait for the dance on Friday i'm going to have the cutest date" the other boy says latching himself to the cute boy who i'm guessing is named Josh's arm, while giving me a death glare.

he's his boyfriend, geez this is so embarrassing.

I just want to go home.

"haha well thanks to the both of you, i'm going to change out of this so we can pay and go eat because i'm hungry" the Josh kid says.

"wait before you go, can I have your number? you seem cool, we should be friends and stuff " I awkwardly ask.

"oh uh s-sure, here" Josh says typing his number in.

Josh walks into the changing room leaving me with the other boy.

"um sorry forehead but Joshua is mine, so walk away" the boy says to me.

ah I need to get out of here before I burst into tears this little boy's overprotectiveness makes me miss ryro.

"hm ok, I'll walk away. . . for now" I say winking and  speed walking out of the store before that tyler guy strangles me.


I open the door.

"mom I got a cute boy's number! look!" I yell walking to my room.

"oh my it is a number! are you going to text it?" she asks

"yeah yeah, I will later, i'm kinda tired and there's school tomorrow" i sigh

"ok, goodnight Brendon, sleep well" she says kissing my forehead before leaving my room and closing the door behind her, thank god.

I get into my pajamas and get into my blankets making myself into a cocoon.

I stare at a Polaroid of Ryan and I that's hung up on my wall.

I sing northern downpour to myself softly until I fall asleep.

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