thirteen - feeling this.

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brendon's pov :

traffic sucks.

i park and hurry to get out of my car.

i lock it and run inside.

what if i'm late and he left.

i enter and see him sitting at a table in the corner.

i feel relieved, a part of me thought he wasn't going to show up.

i order my drink and make my way to him.

"hey" i say but immediately feeling dumb because he has headphones in.

i lightly tap his shoulder and smile when he looks up.

he smiles back and takes out his headphones.

when i look in his eyes i see the sky, they're so blue and beautiful.

i've never actually seen dallon up close.

"hi, sorry, i felt awkward just waiting so i plugged my headphones in and blasted my music" he finally says.

"hey, sorry for making you wait, my mom was talking to me before i left and then traffic got me"

"it's fine it wasn't that long of a wait, so i did the first section already, it's pretty easy just tell me if you need help on anything and i'll help and then we can check answers?"

i can't stop staring at his face.

"or do you want to do it another way?" he asks snapping me back into reality.

"what? oh, no, yeah i'll just work on it and ask you if i need help"

"haha okay" he laughs

smooth brendon.


"so, do you play guitar or do you just like walking around at school with a guitar case?" he asks.

"haha oh, yeah i play guitar and sing a little, i also play piano, do you play anything or sing?"

"cool, do you prefer acoustic or electric? and i play bass"

"you know i've never thought about it, hm i own both but i think i play acoustic more, what about you?"

"that's cool, i wish i owned an acoustic bass, they're so cool, i only own a fender precision bass"

"that's still cool, i've never seen an acoustic bass"

"really? there's this beautiful one i want at that music store downtown, i actually bought my bass there, my friend helped me pick it out, it's a funny story, i thought he worked there because he was always there but he was actually just always there because he's in love with a drum set they have!" he laughs

"haha wait so he doesn't actually work there?"

"nope, i just thought he did so i asked him for help haha but he actually knew stuff and helped me anyways fast forward a bass later and now we're friends! " he smiles

"haha that's so funny, i have a friend who plays drums too, but he's away on that weird teaching program where they travel"

"i've heard about that! that's so cool"

"haha yeah, maybe they know each other, i'll ask him in an email, what's your friend's name?"

"haha oh he doesn't go to this school, i think he goes to fueled high, but his name is josh"

"wait, does he always have dyed hair and he has a boyfriend named tyler?!"

"yes! do you know him?"

"hah yeah i do! i met him at the mall, i accidentally flirted with him and tyler gave me a death glare haha but later i apologized and now we're friends haha"

"ooh, yeah tyler is very much the jealous type, he's very overprotective when comes to josh" dallon laughs

"they're so cute together though"

"i know, when i see them post pictures together and stuff i'm like, man why can't i find a cute boy" he sighs

hello i'm right here.

"haha same"

i mean i had one.


dallon and i end up talking forever, and he helps me with some of the problems on the homework.

dallon gets a text from his mom saying it's time to go home, i decide i should probably head home too because it's getting late.


i get home and tell my mom all about it.

dallon is cute, i definitely want to see him again.

i decide to text him before going to bed.

me : hey i had fun today, you're a really cool dude, we should hang out sometime (:

i close my eyes.

i drift to sleep think about dallon and his beautiful blue eyes.


a/n : lol i finally updated.

Book 1 : an impossible year. | Ryden & Brallon Where stories live. Discover now