Talkshows, of course!

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"So, a special guest has been arranged today. May I present to you the personification of the United States of America, Alfred Freedom Jones!"

 They were on Ellen, of course. She is possibly the most famous lesbian in the US, and that's not even what she's famous for. She's generous, kind, hilarious, and the original voice actor for Dory in Finding Nemo. Of course she's famous. She's even had the president come by.

He walked over to the chairs, jumped over the back of one, and settled down at an angle, making him look playful and relaxed. He flashed his famous smile.

"Thanks, Ellen! It's so great to finally be able to meet you! Really, I do adore you and what you do here."

"Oh, thank you, but you don't need to bother will all of that flattery, Mr. Jones."

"Please, call me Al. I'm no more important than any of you."

"Alright, then, Al. I asked the viewing audience last week to tweet questions that they had for you to us, and we took a few out to ask you. Is that alright?"

"Yep! Fire 'em at me!" He smiled again, the crown laughing with his play.

"First, who has been your favorite president to work under?"

"I'd have to say Obama, if only because he lets me get away with the things I do in the White House. That, and he doesn't hate me for being bisexual. He's a lot of fun, too."

"What do you do in the White House that he lets you get away with?"

"Nerf wars. And water balloons. Everywhere." Everyone in the crowd laughed again.

"Another question: What is your favorite book?"

"Definitely Harry Potter. They currently hold four out of the top ten best-selling books of America, 2016!"

"I love Harry Potter too! But of course, who doesn't? Alright, last question: who are you currently dating?" America paused for a second. Should he tell them? Well, why not! They are his people after all. It probably wouldn't shock most of them. Hopefully.

"I guess... I'm dating a certain Russian with a scarf." A loud 'Called it!' rang out from somewhere in the back of the room. Everyone laughed again. Ellen herself even started laughing. He never felt so welcome anywhere in his whole life, and it felt good. He could sense all of their overwhelming cheeriness, and it rubbed off on him.

"I guess some people thought it was appropriate," he said. 

"Alright, everyone. That's about all the time we have today, but if you want to get on Ellen, tweet us at..."

Her voice blended into the background. He was just so content, knowing that his people supported him. He knew, however, that other countries weren't so lucky.


hahahahaha foreshadowing!!


if you don't like the fact that  I posted this, sorry, and Ill take it down

to my dear readers;

this is what happens when the countries come out to the public, using some of the information from the Country's Lament series. But, this is what would have happened if their revealing had been peaceful, and they hadn't had to go through all of the things that they did. PLease go read thos books though. I cant push that enough. They're so good!

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