Don't Leave

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"Feliks?" he called into the dark hallway. He had just come home from a press conference with the rest if the Baltic states, since they were now common knowledge. He didn't like to leave Poland alone anymore, so they lived together in a comfortably small house near the border of their countries.

Lithuania turned the lights on, exploring the first floor of the house in a search for his friend. Usually, Poland had come to greet him at the door or in the doorway to the kitchen if he had been cooking. Something was wrong.

"Feliks? Poland!" he called again. He was starting to get a little more frantic. There was a reason that he didn't leave him alone for very long.


Lithuania sprinted up the stairs, his phone in his left hand and a ribbon in his right. "Poland!" he shouted, turning the corner and stopping himself right in front of the first door. He jiggled the handle, only to find it locked. Toris knocked on the door frantically. "Feliks! Please don't do this! Open the door!"

He heard a slight shuffling, followed by a weak voice. "Toris?... Why... are you..." the voice started. Lithuania heard a thump and felt the floor vibrate slightly, as if something heavy had dropped. Now he was even more concerned, which was an emotion that didn't belong on the nation's usually serene face. "Go away, Toris." A pause. "Leave me be." Another pause. "Kocham cię, przepraszam."*

Now the Lithuanian was really panicking. Veins coursing with adrenalin, he brought his elbow down on the handle, breaking it off. It wasn't hard, with him having all of the strength of a nation behind him. The doorknob clattered to the floor near his feet as he pushed the door open.

Toris immediately dropped to his knees. On the floor of the bathroom lay his Feliks, skin shredded and crimson blood seeping onto the shiny white tile. Lithuania gathered Poland into his arms, pressing his face into the beautiful blond hair, now stained with blood.

*end flashback*

Toris heard a slight shuffling before he felt himself be pushed into the wall. He glanced down to see a familiar blind head.

"Hey Feliks," he whispered, smiling. Liet brought his hands up and wrapped them around the other's waist.

"You're totally home late," he said, his face buried in Lithuania's chest.

"I know, I know. The conference ran late today. I'm sorry."

"You scared me," Poland whispered with a shaky voice..

Toris immediately grew concerned. The usual nonchalant-ness that his voice usually held was absent. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when Feliks started again.

"Being open to the public like this worries me. I keep thinking that someone is going to take you away from me again. I just... I just don't think I could live going through that again, Toris."

"No one could take me, Feliks!" he smiled a little. "I wont let that happen again."

"Hey Toris?"


"Could I, like, go with you next time?"

"Of course, Feliks. Of course." Lithuania bent down and kissed his lover gently. "Now, let's go see a movie or something, okay?"

Poland smiled and stood straighter, fixing his hair and rubbing at his damp face. "Okay! Let me go change first, alright?" he asked before dashing up the stairs and out of sight. "Oh, and Liet? If, like, this deal goes through with England, then I'll totally, like, be able to protect you better!" the happy little nation called down the stairs. Lithuania shook his head a little and laughed. Flips like a switch, that one.

And he's cute, too...


sorry this took so long!! and also that its so very short!! what should the next country be? and if I made another book using this as a base, would you read it?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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