Drift, drive, repeat

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"Ready? Set. Go!" the young, yet attractive flag girl shouted. The cars took off, both already traveling at breakneck speeds. Kiku had his head low, and his eyes trained on the exact spot he would begin his drift.

Drift racing is a very popular and dangerous sport that originated in Japan. Ever since it was created, he found himself enthralled by it. Finally, after watching every race he could for about a month or so, he decided to take it up himself. Of course, being a personification, he had all the skill of the best racer, and then whatever individual skill be built up himself. Racing was still his favorite thing to do on Friday nights when the roads were lit with neon lights and the anime was highlighted by the bright colors.

He never lost, and was regarded as a legend by the other street racers. He went by the pseudonym 'Kurai Ikari', or Dark Fury, translated. His car was black as pitch, with a single white streak on the driver's side. He worked on it constantly to keep it in the best condition.

Once again, tonight's victory went to him.


Japan looked up at the huge entrance to the convention. Since pretty much everyone knew who he was, he came is full cosplay. This time he was Ciel from Kuroshitsuji. The regular version, not one of the cross-dressing versions.

Conventions were another one of t=his favorite ways to sped his time. He always bought merchandise, and he always left feeling a little happier than he was when he went in.

This particular convention was being held in Tokyo, so it was huge. And when I say huge, I mean huge. There were so many people that you never saw any one person twice, and you could have seen enough people to last you your whole life.

He would sometimes set up booths to sell some of his art, but he chose not to today. He did bring his camera, of course, to catch any good pictures of cosplay and things.

Kiku walked around the place all day, talking to other enthusiasts here and there. He even bought the cutest little cat plushy that looked a lot like Japan-cat. There was a surprising amount of people who dressed as the countries, even though they were in an anime. Himaruya was almost arrested because he did that, you know. Japan himself had to come to his defense.

Out of everyone, though, they were mostly non-cosplayers who just came to observe. It makes him happy to see so many people coming together for something as weird as being an otaku.

When he left, and the sky was dark, he smiled, looking down at his phone. He had three messages; one from his racing partner, one from China, and one from one of his cosplay suppliers. Japan opened the one from the racing partner, Hiori, first.

There was a race not too far from the garage where he keeps his car, but it was in ten minutes.

"I can make it," He said to himself, and disappeared in a flash of red and white light. Tonight's race was going to be great.


Who is hiori? What kinds of shenanigans do japan and his various connections get up to? What did China want? Who knows. You will likely never find out.

The next chapter will be about the Italy trio. I might do China or the Nordics after that, but I don't know yet. What do you think?

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