A meeting with the monarchy

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"As much as I support you, Arthur, coming out to the public like this is not acceptable. You didn't consult the royal court, the parliament, or myself. Could you have at least warned us before this happened?" He was standing near the desk of his queen's study, the royal guards standing outside the closed door. "Do you have any idea how hard it has been to handle the public, what with all of their outbursts and demands to have the fact that you aren't insane proven. I think that the only reason they haven't burnt the whole palace to the ground is because they are afraid of losing such great architecture!"

"Your majesty, of course I know of the way the people feel. They are mostly just confused and a little scared. I also know how you feel, and I cannot help what has been done. I, myself, didn't have much warning before the other countries decided that now was the time. I think the Americans were the first to consider this, and they were the first to expose us to the public. His people, however, didn't seem to have any problem with him." England would never admit it, but he was jealous of the never-ending support America's people gave him all the time. He wished he could have support from his people like that, but he doesn't. His people like tradition, and when things change, they have to scramble to change with it. It's not easy and graceful like the way the North America brothers deal with it.

"It does not matter what the Americans think. They are just stupid, simple people who don't understand anything about how the outside world works." Arthur tensed at her words. No matter how much he disliked Alfred and his decisions, he would always fell like a younger brother or a son to him. It just felt so wrong for others to criticize him.

"I understand, Your Majesty. But what am I to do about it?"

She leaned back in her seat a little. "I do not care what is done, just know that I will not go out of my way to protect you from the people. They are my number one priority." And with that, she dismissed him.

Arthur turned on his heel and walked out of the study. Oh did he have a few things to say to a certain country who couldn't just keep his big mouth shut.

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