Let's go on an Adventure!

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"Mr. Denmark! Where are we going next?" a young Danish girl asked, fixing her hat and scarf around her neck. The happy Dane smiled, turning to her and pulling his own scarf off of his mouth so he could speak.

"It might be better to ask Sweden that, since this is his land," he replied with a little laugh at the end. The girl looked at him, her face a mix of confusion and skepticism. Denmark's face lit up with understanding. "Oh, he can speak Danish, don't worry! In fact, he is very fluent in it, aren't you, Sve?" Sweden nodded. then turned to address the group that they were traveling with.

This is what they did now, just hiked through the woods and led tours around their countries, usually together, but sometimes they did it by themselves. The people found that to be great, apparently, considering that they were booked for tours for an entire year in advance. They all had fun doing them, even Sweden and Iceland, though he won't admit it.

"Right now," he said, switching to English since that's what most of the group spoke, with Denmark and Norway translating for the few who didn't, "I am actually going to switch leadership of the group to a friend of mine named Ladonia, since it is technically his territory that we are entering now." And with that, he motioned to a young looking boy with brown-red hair and a scar across the right side of his face.

"Hello everyone!" he said enthusiastically, waving to the group, "Today we are going on a tour of the great Nimis, the structure that my entire existence is credited to." Ladonia started walking, motioning for the rest of them to follow. "It is a giant, multi-level labyrinth constructed entirely of driftwood and whatever we find washing up on the beach. My citizens are all wandering, since there is not enough room within my borders for people to live on. The government is ruled by a queen with a prince consort, as well as a president that is elected every three years. The rest of the government is run entirely by the people. Anyone can add to the many, many ministries that help to keep order within the country. If you all had just come a little bit later, you could have come on the day we all go into semi-hibernation*..."

The excited boy kept going on and on about all of the awesome things that go on in his country while showing everyone around the giant wooden maze. Sweden hung back, while Finland and Denmark followed along excitedly, Iceland and Norway following behind.

They stayed at Nimis for about an hour before making the long hike back to the road where they parked their cars. Yes, the only way to get there is to hike; there is no way to drive or fly or anything like that.

By the time that they got back, they had long left Ladonia with his queen, and the sky was growing dark. They were close enough that they could still feel the cold wind coming off of the ocean, and a few of the tourists shivered. All of them tonight were from the Nordic region, but people could still get cold when it's dark, windy, and fall, so the countries decided to wrap it up.

Before everyone left, Finland spoke up. " Don't forget, tomorrow we go to Finland as the last country on the tour! I can't wait to see you all there!" He waved and smiled cheerfully. Sweden put his arms around the other's waist and smiled ever-so-slightly at his adorable wife who was always so happy. Iceland rolled his eyes at Denmark when he tried to do the same to Norway, earning him a slap to the face.

"Save that for your girlfriend," the Norwegian nation said, turning away and crossing his arms.

"But I don't want one!" the Dane retorted, turning his puppy eyes to his friend. Norway pulled him down by his collar and kissed him quickly before shoving him away again.

"Lukas~!" he squealed like a fangirl, hugging him excitedly.

Honesty they were all just thankful that nothing had ended up on fire like it did last time...


*the official day that we ladonians go into semi-hibernation is the 15th of November. Also, all of these facts are true; I do research and stuff

okay so I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. maybe a little too much fun...

the original plan had been to bring in sealand as fin and sve 's kid, but ladonia fit the plot better, so I brought him in instead. also, ladonian pride! ahahahaha~!

(I really just think that he's super cute)

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(I really just think that he's super cute)

The next update will either be the Baltics, the rest of the Asians, or the Germanics. Whatever you guys choose.

I think I'm going to make another book using these plotlines, but if no one will read it then I wont. I had one request to do that, so if I get enough support I might actually write it

but remember, its all up to you readers, since I have nothing else that I really like to do. I have sold my soul, theres no turning back now.

Which story do you guys want me to update next? Whichever gets the most comments is the one that I will do

this a/n is long enough so I'm going to cut myself off here. Goodbye and Goodnight to you all.

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