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"Honestly, Matthew, did you really think that you could stay out of the public eye? With your adorableness, who wouldn't want to meet you? You are the literal epitome of Canadian ideals." His prime minister laughed. As of late, Canada had been trying to avoid the news anchors and the crowds of people who wanted to meet their personification. The new, huge amount of attention he was getting was overwhelming. Even more so because he was used to being ignored all of the time.

But he had no room to complain. There were other countries that had to go into hiding because of what they were. Canada and America probably had it the best out of all of the nations, what with all of the public support. He envied his brother's total lack of concern for the entire thing. They were getting the same amount of attention, but Alfred just took it in stride. It's so much harder for the quiet ones.

He faced his boss again. "Mr. Trudeau-"


"... Justin, I know that the people want to know who I am, but it's just so sudden, you know? I mean, I know that I probably have it the easiest out of everyone and all, but it's still hard. Is it so wrong of me to feel this way? I feel as though I am being selfish."

"Not everyone can greet the public with ease like myself. And I don't think badly of you because you aren't like me. But, you must know that you have to come out and show them who you are sooner or later."

The conversation lulled while the two thought things over.

"What if, just what if, you played a game of hockey? Just a small game, nothing huge or season-determining, so people could see you as a person, and not as a country." Trudeau suggested, leaning forward in his chair. "That way, it would be easier for you to talk to people, and easier for them to be able to see you, and not the personification of Canada."

Matthew looked at his boss appreciatively. "I think that would be a great idea. I just have one question. What team?"


crappy short chapter, sorry. Should get better with the coming updates.

What country should I do next? I'm thinking maybe France, but I don't really know.

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