The Antagonist Boy X Boy

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The blood dripped from my hands and I grinned, earning me a blossom of pleasure that started at the base of my neck and shivered down my spine. I had done something right. This is all I was ever supposed to want.

I felt sick.

I licked the blood off my pale index finger and chuckled when she made a sound of disgust. I flicked my blue-green bangs to the side and looked up at her with sour apple colored eyes, "is something the matter Love Interest?" I teased her calmly, toying with her as though I wasnt scared.

My heart was pounding and my mouth was dry. I was definitely scared.

She glared at me, struggling against the ropes around her body. "he'll come for me you sick bastard!" She spat in all her amusing hatred for me.

"then why are you afraid?" I purred and pressed the beautiful edge of my blade into her neck. Her eyes widened and her body stiffened. I smiled.

I was scared because I knew what happened next.

I knew to be careful, but I pushed the blade with more force than normal into her skin and watched the delicate red beads trickle down to her collar bone. "I already killed Heroine, so what makes you so sure I havent killed Protagonist too?"

We both knew I hadn't. We both knew what would happen, but we were made to pretend.

"you didn't" Love Interest insisted, but there was a shakiness to her voice that said she might cry. I chucked again at her weakness.

"shhh, its ok. I promise ill take good care of you" I whispered and ran my tongue along the inside of her neck, licking up the little crimson rivers as I pressed the blade even deeper. She shuddered at my touch and sucked in a breath.

"Antagonist" she warned, but for some reason she sounded breathless. Her heart was beating faster than before. I pulled the blade back from her neck and licked the side, my lip ring scraping against the sharp edge. I peeked at her under my lashes and she definitely flushed a heated pink. I was sad that I would have to disappoint her.

I pushed it to the back of my mind and turned away from her so I could scan my eyes over Heroine's bloody body on the concrete floor behind us. I clicked my tongue and knelt beside her, staining the bottoms of my sneakers red.

"youre gonna end up just like Heroine." I told her matter-of-factly, smiling as I pulled the gun from her cold hand. "but we just won't have as much fun together."

I stood again and turned to look at Love Interest who was crying silently now. I snickered and loaded the gun menacingly. My knees were shaking as the time got close and I willed them to be still. "scream for me." I breathed against her ear as I pressed the gun to her head. She whimpered and we both knew. "I'm sorry" she said so softly I almost didn't hear. we both knew what happened next.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before the door opened behind us. Slamming into the wall with an impressive amount of force. I turned and my heart skipped a beat. In the doorway with the light to his back he looked so beautiful. All anger, light tan skin, and black hair. His mouth moved to form words but I wasnt listening, I already knew what he would say. He looked to Heroine's lifeless body and then at Love Interest, rage igniting in his lovely blue eyes. My heart broke knowing it was directed at me, even if this was something we had to do.

I held still as he rushed forward and slammed my back into the wall. I groaned and wrestled against his tall, slender frame, but Protagonist was always supposed to be stronger so I didn't push very hard. He struggled with me and pushed me into the floor as he tried to force the gun from my hand. Love Interest screamed words of encouragement to Protagonist in the background.

I was scared.

He pushed his body against mine and I gasped, letting the gun go a little early. Protagonist looked confused but played along, taking the gun into his hand and pressing it into the soft flesh under my chin. "I can't wait to see your brains all over the floor" he sneered.

This story was new to us, a violent city where Love Interest gets caught up with a drug dealing opperation of which I'm the head and Protagonist has to save her through a lot of killing and bribery. I wasnt used to hearing him talk so graphically, so forceful. It made it hard to remember how to speak.

"You hot headed bitch" I hissed, knowing I was not supposed to win. Thats how I usually talked to Protagonist though. He smoldered at my audacity even in such circumstances and his muscles tensed in preparation.

My heart was beating way too fast. I felt light headed.

I let myself mess up for a minute and fear spread into my face. Protagonists eyes had a funny expression in them suddenly and I found it hard to read in the moment. "burn in hell" Protagonist hissed. And then I knew what that emotion in his eyes was. It was regret. The trigger squeezed in his hand and I cried out in the incredibly loud bang of it before everything went black.

I was scared. But mostly because I think he knew.


Hey guys! This is my first story. Tell me what you think and I'll write some more if you like the idea. Thank you! <3

The Antagonist Boy X Boy.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora