Perspicacious Infatuation

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* First Batman story up! I will explain more later, when it gets going! First two chapters dedicated to SpeakNoEvil and bridge2enigma for inspiring this story :) Check them out!*

3rd Person/unknown POV

Chase has a reputation for an uncommon intelligence; because of this she developed the talent to twist the thinking and actions of a rival using a form of mind control. She has high levels of stamina and skill in archery, shooting and hand to hand combat. She uses her kind yet deceitful manner to assist Gotham's most wanted in their heists. While others have tried to escape Arkham, she quietly sits in her cell, waiting for their almost immediate capture so she can be intrigued by something other than knowledge, people. If it be Two-Face putting cat nip into Catwoman's cage, or Scarecrow spraying any minor escapees with fear toxin when they try to outrun the guards. The one that intrigued her most, the one she could not bear to see running the streets of Gotham with her locked up like an animal, was sitting opposite her across the hall. Mr. Edward Nigma, more famously known as The Riddler.

          Why Chase was so attracted to Riddler, she could not say. Whether it be his reddish brown hair, his cockiness, his smirk, his laugh, his amazing lust for knowledge, no one knew. 

          Riddler felt just the same about Chase. Her laugh, defiance, trickery, her gentleness, almost everything. The one thing he hated was that, although he would not DARE say it aloud, she was almost as smart as Riddler, if not smarter. She was always one step ahead of everyone, ahead of him. He remembered the first day they met, the first day Chase came to Arkham, as clear as any genius in love.

Riddler's POV


I was sitting in my small bed, my hands behind my head and wondering if my newest masterpiece would fit on the ceiling, when I heard yelling and grunting. I rolled my eyes, this was normal for the lunatics I unfortunately had to live with. But something…. Something was different. I jumped up and looked through the glass in my cell. A slumped individual with black hair hanging in front of his face. The prisoner, whose dark mane was matted with something that looked like blood, was being dragged by 3 guards. I didn’t understand the extra security for someone that looked like they weighed only 85 pounds, until he punched one of them in the nose.

“ You incompetent fools!! I am not crazy! I am perfectly sane! Now release me before I devour your souls!!” It screamed, a girl? Well. She ran when the two other guards released her, until one of them sighed and pressed a button. She shrieked and fell to the floor. I saw a shock collar around her neck.

“ What the hell you can’t put that on her!” I growled before I could control myself. Jonathan Crane, who was the only one awake at 4 in the morning, when this was happening, looked at me in surprise. I ignored him and glared at the guards when they plucked her off the floor.

“ Sorry, Nigma. You can’t do shit for her, so go back to your little puzzles.” The guard with the bleeding nose said, laughing. The girl flipped her long, curly hair out of her face. When I set my eyes on her, a feeling overcame me and made my heart stop. She was beautiful. Was this love? I hope not, I can’t even think straight. I blinked and Scarecrow was looking at me, jaw dropped. I looked back at the girl. She was glaring at the bleeder, his name was Brendon. He was holding his head and was shaking.

“ What the fuck is going on?” The other guard, Sandy, gasped in horror. She stopped staring and looked at the ground. Brendon grabbed her, opened the door to my cell, and threw her into it. He backhanded her and she slammed into the ground.

“ You’ll pay for that, you crazy bitch.” He growled. “ She’ll be rooming with you, Nigma, til we get that cell cleaned out. Good luck, she’s a feisty one. But that’s how I like ‘em, if you catch my drift.” The other guards left and I got close to the closed glass.

“ If I ‘catch your drift?’ Sir, if I am correct, which I always am, you will not see the light of day. You will not lay a single finger on her, am I clear?” I snarled. He just laughed. I heard the door slam and I remembered the girl.

“ Ass.” She muttered, sniffling.

“ The guards are total nimrods.” I said, rolling my eyes. She laughed and shook her head.

“ You’re funny. My name’s Chase Sage. What is yours?” Chase asked, holding out a hand.

“ I’m the Riddler.” I said, slightly shocked and offended she had not heard of me. She rolled her eyes.

“ Well duh. I know you, I know everyone in here, especially the nerd that’s staring at us.” She said laughing.

“ Crane.” I muttered, turning around. Surely enough, he was watching us, rather intently. He waved sheepishly and pursed his lips in a kiss face. I glared and turned back to her. She just laughed and smiled.

“ Anyway, I don’t want to call you The Riddler. How impersonal, impractical. What is your real name?” She asked, sitting Indian style, running her fingers through her hair.

“ Edward. Edward Nigma.” I said, slightly laughing. I mirrored her on the floor.

“ Hmmmm. Can I call you Eddie?” She asked.

“ No.” I snapped, looking in the direction of Catwoman’s cage. She seemed taken aback, but brushed it off.

“ What about Teddy?” She asked. I shot my head forward. She was holding back a smile. My bad mood vanished and I smiled.

“Teddy?” I asked, confused. She nodded eagerly.

“ It’s a nickname for Edward! And we’re temporary roommates, and I’m a cuddler.” She said, winking. I broke.

“ Fine.” I sighed. The smile she was holding back broke through the surface and I almost fainted. She squealed and hugged me. “ We should probably get to sleep.” She shrugged and looked around.

“ Where do I stay?” She asked, blinking. I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me.

“ You have to live up to your reputation as a cuddler.” I said. She laughed and laid down next to me.

“ The Riddler and The Cuddler, what would Batman say?” She fake gasped. I laughed and pulled her closer to my chest.

“ Fuck him.” I said before falling asleep and staying asleep for the first time in a long time.

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