Chapter 6

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*Pretty short, but I hope you enjoy :)*

John’s POV

I knew it, from the moment Chase entered Loony Lane, Riddler was intrigued by her. More than intrigued, he was in love. He was just too high and mighty to admit it. Poor Chase fell for him just as hard. Ed never noticed it, but I saw all of her small advances that signaled she wanted more than the casual best friendship they had. All the times Ed had escaped, not even thinking about her. Finally, she got sick of the games, the riddles, his ego, and separated herself from him. Then, he weaseled his way back in and I know it breaks Chase’s heart when he does something stupid. He crossed the line that day in the cafeteria when he said she doesn’t matter. Ed doesn’t realize it, but he’s hurting her.

                Even now, walking down the streets of Gotham, Ed was talking about how he would destroy Batman and make him pay for everything. Chase was walking beside me, shivering. Despite the warm mid-September day, it was freezing at night. I slipped off my jacket and handed it to her as Ed made a fist and smashed it into his palm, still talking about Batman.

“Thanks, Johnny.” She whispered as I slipped my arm around her shoulders, her arm around my waist.

“Are you two even listening?” Ed said, not looking at us.

“Not really Ed.” I said, looking up. His glare was filled with so much hatred, I’m surprised lasers didn’t shoot out of his eyes and cut me in two. Chase sighed.

“You plan on setting riddles around Gotham, none of them making sense unless compared side by side. Then, you’ll get a villain or someone and publicly humiliate Batman.” She said, rolling up the sleeves of my jacket. Ed looked surprised.

“You were listening?” He asked.

“Of course. Have I ever not listened?” She asked, rolling her eyes. “Really Teddy, I can’t just tune out when you talk.”

“I can.” I said. I ran a hand through my black hair. Chase was something special. Ed rolled his eyes and his phone played an odd ringtone. He unlocked it and coughed.

“Well, Chase, Scarecrow, I must be off. Echo and Query require my assistance, silly girls, always needing guidance. I will see you when I see you.” Ed said, smirking. He turned and bounded off into the darkness.

“Echo and Query?” Chase asked, heartbreak in her voice.

“His henchwoman.” I said, turning back to the direction of Selina’s home.

“Echo and Query?” Chase asked, more pissed than anything. “I bet they can’t even solve a damn challenge room! Echo and Query.”

“Miss Sage, are you jealous?” I asked, mock shock in my voice.

“No, I’m mad! How could he not ask me! I’m no doubt more intelligent than those halfwits! I’ll show him.” She growled, climbing up the stairs leading back to her room. She climbed in the window and I climbed in shortly after. She threw open the door in the hall and gasped. I looked around her, not seeing a party, but a crime scene. 2 police officers lay dead in the kitchen, and a goon with a half face mask was sitting in a pool of his own blood. She turned around and saw a note on her bed.

“Dear Chay, the cops crashed our party. No one got hurt, well, ALMOST no one. I’m sorry I had to leave you, but I need a new house. You’ll have to find a new place. P.S, don’t worry, we made it out. We weren’t in the living room anyway, if you catch my drift.” Chase shuddered and sighed. “Johnny, what am I going to do?” She asked.

“You could stay with me.” I suggested.

“Really? Thank you!” She yelled, jumping up and hugging me.

“Of course, just pack your stuff quick, I don’t want any cops coming by.” I said.

Ed’s gunna kill me.

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